°•°Chapter 13°•°

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"Just being there for someone can sometimes bring hope when all seems hopeless."

-Dave G. Llewelyn.

Chloe's POV.

"Shh...it's okay," I hold Zach under the cold shower drenching both of us while he clings onto me for dear life. I bite my lower lip in an attempt to stop my tears that are threatening to fall out, "I-I'm sorry,"

His voice is barely a whisper as he continues to let out harsh breaths, "Don't be," I tell him kissing his cheek as I pull away a bit from him. I'm sitting on his lap while he's directly sitting on the cold stone shower floor facing me with his arms holding me against his body.

The second he told me about the uncontrollable urge, I knew what to do, something I was told to do by Linda when he was supposed to come home with me. My hands make their way up to his face, wiping out the tears that never stopped rolling down with the shower, "I-I thought I could get through this alone like last year but even last year I had to lock myself up in my room,"

I finally let the tears roll down my eyes with the water with his revelation, "I missed you sugar," he says resting his forehead against mine while his breathing evened out.

"I missed you too jerk," I say making him smile while he extends one of his hand to remove the strands of hair sticking to my face. I hated seeing him this vulnerable, but again like the ray of light in the darkness, I was happy he didn't relapse and instead came back to me for help.

He leans forward, turning off the shower but holds me close with his arm around my waist, "I'm better now,"

"Let's get you out of here," I say, getting off him while trying to ignore how our clothes were clinging to our bodies, "I can clean myself up, you can go now,"

I raise an eyebrow at him as he stood up barely having any energy left in him, "Stop making a fuss about things," I said dragging him to the dry area out of the shower and unbuttoning his shirt making him let out a shaky breath while taking the support of the wall.

Removing his shirt, I try not paying attention to his perfectly sculpted body while I could feel his gaze on me, observing everything I did. Unbuttoning his pants, I hear him let out a low groan as my hand grazes his member making my breath hitch, "Take those off,"

I tell him once his pants were off, leaving him in his boxers but end up meeting his hazy gaze for a mere second before turning away to the shelves to grab a bathrobe. Closing my eyes, I patiently wait while holding the bathrobe in hand before his warm hand touched mine, making me flinch before grabbing the bathrobe.

My face was burning with the heat I was feeling all through my body, not good Chloe. Stop being stupid!

"Need help with your clothes too?" I hear his voice making my jaw drop at his question, "Shut up idiot,"

I shake my head before turning to face him covered in a bathrobe before grabbing his arm and walking him out of the shower. To be precise, my shower, "Sit here, I'll just change and be back in a minute,"

I tell him, forcing him to sit on my bed while he has this annoying smirk stuck on his face, "What?"

"Nothing, go change before you fall sick," he says making me shake my head with a smile at his concern. I kiss his forehead before walking away, shivering a bit. I close the door of my walk-in closet as I stepped in before letting out a shaky breath, what was that?

There was second where I almost thought he was going to kiss me or maybe he's just not thinking straight with the whole situation. Knowing better, I stick to believing the second option. I peel out the wet clothes and put them aside before grabbing a white t-shirt and shorts with some essentials.

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