°•°Chapter 41°•°

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"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."

- Victor Hugo.

Chloe's POV.

"He hasn't changed," the words leave my mouth as the image of dad paints itself in my mind, "What do you mean?" Zach asks me confused, lifting my face by my chin and wipes off my tears.

"H-he just needed money," his jaw drops at my revelation and my head lowers feeling the disappointment creep up, "And also has another family now."

My voice is barely a whisper as my mind draws back to the insensitive conversation with dad, oh scratch that, it's Mr. Miller now, "Is he fucking out of his mind?!" I flinch at Zach's angry tone as he shakes his head.

"I didn't want to get my hopes up high when Blake decided that we should meet him but I unintentionally did. I-it was all just so stupid," I bite down my lower lip trying to control more sobs from escaping but I only end up like a crying mess as he holds me, comforting me. He sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls me onto his lap before I buried my face into his chest as tears poured down my face.

"He didn't deserve you both," Zach whispers, taking my face into his free hand while caressing my cheek, "I shouldn't be crying about this, it's stupid a-and I'm can't seem to stop my bloody tears now,"

"Just cry it out, Sugar," he runs his fingers through my hair as I let out my pent up pain. Dad did many things to disappoint us in the past, first when he cheated on mom and didn't think he owed us an explanation. Then when he started making the fights more obvious by coming home at midnight and expected mom to not ask what's wrong.

He then did the thing that fucked up everything, even more, getting divorce papers without any prior notice to mom. Especially when she was trying to forgive him for cheating on her and forcing him to attend therapy. Was he impulsive? Oh, he sure as hell was. Was he a bad dad, surprisingly he was an amazing dad until shit went down and we decided to stay with mom.

Blake had to deal with stuff over the phone when law school wasn't treating him well either so yeah, he despises dad at this point if I'm putting it lightly. After all that, he stooped too low today and Blake lost it, he left a check for him. That wasn't intending to help him but it was with the hope that we never cross paths again.

"Blake wrote dad a check," I say dryly making Zach chuckle, "I hope that is the last time you guys cross paths with Mr. Miller," he says voicing out Blake's idea on this whole situation.

"At least I don't have to hang on to the idea of dad ever-changing," sighing, I wipe my tears off before lifting my gaze to meet Zach's worried one, "I'm fine, Zach. Stop worrying so much,"

"Easier said than done, Sugar." He sighs before kissing my forehead. A smile settles on my lips as my gaze lands on the promise ring resting on my right hand, talk about Zach leaving a beautiful reminder of how much we have grown together.


"Blake! Stop stealing my empanadas!" I whine as Blake grins after stealing the third empanada from my plate, "Hey, it's unfair that you get to have these delicious foods almost every day so let me enjoy while I can," I roll my eyes before giving up and evert my gaze towards the T.V. on which Just go with it is playing.

"You guys didn't get anything else to watch?" Zach asks, resting his head on my shoulder, "It's Hailey's turn to select a movie," Emmett shrugs as Snowy gets off him and walks up to me before settling on my lap.

His paw lands on Zach's face making me stifle a giggle, "He loves irritating you," I grin while Zach keeps shoving Snowy's hand off his face and Snowy keeps returning his paw onto Zach's face. I have all the entertainment I need, right in front of me sometimes.

"We need to sleep! It's past three a.m. already," Emmett reminds Hailey and Blake, "Damn three already?!" Hailey whines and I chuckle. We've been snacking on all the food Zach brought home for the past five hours, along with playing video games, binge-watching random movies.

"We've got the maximum of five hours to sleep," Blake adds on before stopping the movie, making all of us whine, "Why?!"

"Cause all of us need sleep and both you and Zach have to get back to work after dropping us off," he reasons out before extending his hand to Hailey. My over-protective caring brother, "Snowy!" I whine cringing as he sweeps off the last empanada off the plate. Got a bunch of foodies in this house, I know.

"He sure is a spoilt brat," Zach says with a small laugh before grabbing the empty plates, "Agreed," Blake seconds him making me giggle before dumping the empty food container boxes in a garbage bag.

"Goodnight little sis," he kisses my forehead and I kiss his cheek with a smile before getting back to the guest room with Hailey following him. Emmett stretches and opens up the convertible couch before getting onto it quickly followed by Snowy making a grin break across my face.

Shaking my head, I follow Zach into the kitchen before turning off the floor lamp and open the garbage cabin, before dumping the bag into it while Zach carefully places the dishes in the dishwasher. I lean onto the counter as I wait for him to finish up and study his looks with a smile while his muscles flex through the black t-shirt he's wearing.

He turns to face me with a raised eyebrow before letting out a yawn, "It was fun spending time with them today," he says getting closer to me in two long strides, "I hate the fact that they're leaving tomorrow,"

I sigh as he wraps his arms around me, "I know but we could always make time to vacation together,"

"That sounds amazing, we should do that sometime," I agree with a smile before pulling him into a kiss. His right-hand caresses my cheek as he slides his tongue past my lips making me moan before he pulls back with a boyish grin, "We should take this to the bedroom, Sugar,"

I nod with a blush before following him out of the kitchen and leave a dim light on before turning off everything else. Walking into the bedroom, Zach closes the door before turning to me and picking me up, "Tired?"

He asks me, kissing my neck, "Not too tired for a quickie," he chuckles with a smirk before pushing my t-shirt up and off my body, "Want to go on a date after the meeting with Mr. Williams tomorrow?"

"But what about your work?" I ask him with excitement bubbling inside my chest, "I just have a meeting to get to but the restaurant can run without me for a day,"

"It's a yes then! You don't even have to ask," He smiles before taking off his t-shirt exposing his fine abs and kisses the valley of my breasts making me moan, "I said a quickie, Zach,"

I breathe out before getting our pants off, "Impatient much?"

"Oh come on, I could just go to bed if you want to continue being a tease," I roll my eyes biting down a grin while he shakes his head with a small laugh before getting my panties off in a swift move, "You're the tease, Sugar,"

He points out making me gasp as his hard-on touches my core and without wasting any time, he pushes into me before I pull him into a kiss. My moans are muffled into the kiss while we continue making love.


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