°•°Chapter 17°•°

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"I tried to hate you, to forgive you, all just to forget you, but I'm only capable of loving you. You're tattooed onto my skin, and the more I try to erase you, the deeper you sink in."
Mirella Muffarotto.

Chloe's POV.

My eyes flutter open as I feel the empty space next to me, "Zach?" I call out rubbing my sleepy eyes. He steps out of the washroom with a towel hanging down his waist and water dripping down his fine muscles, was I dreaming?

"Good morning, sugar," he grins walking over to the bed before leaning down to peck my lips making me smile as I realize I was pretty much awake, "What time is it?"

"Eight-thirty," he says and I look at him in confusion, "Why the hell didn't you wake me up?!"

"Geez, calm down. Dan called up to inform you that the meeting has shifted to eleven o'clock instead of ten," I sigh sitting up and Zach sits down next to me draping an arm over my shoulder. Oh and no, as much as we wanted to, we didn't have sex and it's already been three days of Zach being a fucking tease.

"Stop doing that," I say slapping away his hand, which is making its way to my heat, "Oh, look who's all desperate for tonight,"

"Hey! I have every fucking right to be mad at you, you've been teasing me a little too much," I point out crossing my arms over my chest, "Come on, don't be like that,"

He places kisses on my neck before tickling me, "Zach!" I squeal in surprise before breaking into fits of giggles while he pushed me flat on the bed and continued tickling me until I got breathless.

"I would have taken you three days ago itself, sugar but you're worth more than just having sex and getting back to work the next day. I want you next to me for the whole weekend with no interruptions," he says leaning over me while sweeping my bangs off my forehead. The past few days have just been fun, I think that's the word.

It was the usual things we did just adding those mind-blowing kisses, so it's basically the next level for us. Are we together? I don't know if I'd call it that, it'd be nice but I'm not pushing it. It's just so much easier to go with the flow.

"There are some really good breakfast muffins waiting, sugar," he whispers kissing my ear, "Let's go then, I'm starving and if you keep teasing me this way Zach, I'll be the one making you wait till next week,"

I let out a small involuntary giggle as he tickles me slighting yet again before getting off me, "I highly doubt, that's going to happen," he says with a wink making me roll my eyes.

As I said, fun! He's the one having fun.


"So, are you guys together now?" Dan asks me confused as I try concentrating on the e-mails we got in response to the invite we sent out for the exhibit next week, "I don't know Dan, stop asking me that!"

I whine face-palming myself with the exhaustion of the day taking over me, "Wait, are you going to be okay if this whole thing is just a fuck buddies thing?" I roll my eyes sighing before saving the last file and closing my laptop.

"It's more than that and if it's not, it's Zach we're talking about. What could probably go wrong? He promised he won't leave so we might as well give this whole thing a shot and take the risk," I rant before letting out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"The problem is that it is Zach, darling. It wouldn't have been a problem if this was just one of your flings," he reasons out making me glare at him, he sure has a point but I didn't want to rethink this now. Things are just fine or rather as I would prefer to say it, perfect and I trust Zach.

That moment that we had together where he confessed, his feelings weren't just about a sweet exchange of probable feelings, we had for each other but it was also the moment, Zach made me trust him with my heart.

"Hey you both," the voice makes me instantly smile as I look up to see Zach entering the studio making Dan raise an eyebrow at his grin, "You're not welcome here," Dan says shooing him away with his hand gesture.

"Oh, come on Dan. You can't be mad at me forever," Zach says taking a seat in the empty chair next to him making me smile like an idiot at the two bickering or at least Dan. I glance at the clock and realize that it's 10 pm already, "Damn, it's ten already!"

Dan says voicing my thoughts, "Yup," I say sighing before glancing at Zach who's busy observing me and I raise my eyebrows at him in question. Of course, I already knew why he was doing that, just to make sure I'm not too tired.

"I've got to go, Eli said he'll be making some amazing chicken pot pie today!" he says almost squealing in excitement making me giggle, "Go enjoy your weekend, we'll meet up on Monday again,"

"Will do and you enjoy your weekend too," he winks at me before turning to Zach with a warning glare and I stifle a laugh. This is actually hilarious. Dan scurries out quickly in a rush before I burst out laughing, "I do love how protective he's of you,"

Zach says with a grin while walking over to me as I try calming my laughter down, "The look you guys shared though, was hilarious," I say biting my lower lip, which is quivering as I tried containing my giggles.

He leans a little before brushing his fingers on my sides making those giggles escape, "Beautiful," is all he whispered and my giggles turned into a smile as he pulled me up onto my feet before connecting our lips.

He smiles against my lips as his hands roamed down my back holding me close to him before sliding his tongue past my lips, devouring every inch of it. My arms wrap around his neck as an unexpected moan escapes my lips as he pulls back, "That, I would love to listen to non-stop,"

His raspy voice makes me blush and I squeal suddenly as he squeezes my butt making him laugh at my reaction, "If you don't want us to stain your workspace with memories of me taking you here, we better get out of here quickly,"

I giggle pushing him away once he's done whispering in my ear, "Help me pack up then," I say pushing my laptop towards him to stuff it into my bag while I tidy up the wires and he packs it all up in my laptop bag, "Quick, sugar,"

He urges me making me raise an eyebrow and he points out to his hard-on making me widen my eyes, "Waited quite a bit long for this," he winks making me giggle before grabbing my phone and shut off the lights.

"Let's go then," I push him out before looking around one last time to make sure everything is right before walking out and locking the main door. With that, I follow him to his car with a smile, before opening the door and hopping in while Zach set my bag in the rear seat and gets in front.

His hand lifts my face up by my chin before pecking my lips while the seat belt I was putting on clicks close, "I'll give you ten minutes to eat, sugar," he whispers huskily with hidden mischievousness making me grin with a nod. Oh, now we seem like two people a sexual high.


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