°•°Chapter 19°•°

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"More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate."
—Roy T. Bennett.

Chloe's POV.

"Please don't cry," Zach begs me wiping away my tears, "Y-you turned to drugs because of me?"

I look at him through my tears with my heart beating harder than ever before, "No no, it's not because of you Chloe. Don't you dare think that." he looks at me seriously in the eyes but gulps finding himself tearing up too.

"It was me. I couldn't fucking find the courage to tell you how I felt. I just couldn't stand the thought of you walking away if you didn't feel the same for me," I cup his face forcing him to look at me while I wipe his tears away, "You're such an idiot, you know that?"

He lets out a laugh through his tears making me chuckle, "I love you dammit, I've been in love with you ever since you kissed me in grad school or that was probably when I realized that I fell for you,"

I bite my lip trying to control my tears while he held my gaze, "Which part of me not being in a relationship until you started being a man-whore, didn't seem like I was waiting for a sign that you felt something for me?"

"I was stupid, I know,"

"You're still stupid," I say with a sigh but not before I realized, something else from the letter, "So we've both been stupid enough to not notice each other's feelings even though we knew every single thing about each other?"

"Well, I guess we were both stupid," Zach says with a smile making my lips curve into a smile too before hugging him close, "I love you sugar and I'm sorry for the long-ass badly written letter,"

"And I'm sorry for not reading it," I whisper against his chest. Why did I have to be so stupid to not open the letter? Oh, wait I was busy being scared.

Snowy nudges his head between the both of us snapping me out of my thoughts before I giggled pulling back a little from Zach while Snowy placed his head on my bare thighs which were on Zach's lap. Confusing to explain.

Zach laughs never taking his arm off my waist before using his free hand to ruffle Snowy's fur, "This lazy guy loves the attention he gets when he joins us while hugging," I say with a giggle.

"Chloe, smile," he says pulling out his phone from his pocket and pulling me close while Snowy turns around laying on his back. He snaps a picture accidentally when we both broke into laughter with Snowy's behavior. For the next, he pulls me into a kiss smiling against my lips.

"This might be my new favorite picture," he says holding out his phone for me to look. It's just the three of us, happy. Pictures, those darn things hold those meaningful memories, which will make you smile even in the worst moments.

My stomach growls making a blush creep up my face making Zach laugh, "It's noon already and you didn't eat anything since last night so, get up. I've made some chicken pot pie,"

"That sounds amazing! But first, shower," I say nudging Snowy who finally gets off us while I have a constant smile dancing on my face, "Do I get to join you?"

Zach asks with a childish grin, "Well..." I trail off placing a kiss around the corner of his lips before dry humping against him ever so slightly. My smile turns into a smirk as I leave him hanging and get off him, "Hey!"

He stands up as I run to the bedroom laughing but he soon catches up in a few long strides, closing the door behind him and grabs me by my waist. His hands fiddle with the t-shirt I'm wearing before pulling it over my head, "I'm never going to get enough of you sugar,"

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