°•°Chapter 25°•°

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"Maybe I don't know that much but I know this much is true, I was blessed because I was loved by you."

-Celine Dion.

Zach's POV.

"I expect you to come back tomorrow for a little chat, Zach," I roll my eyes at dad's voice while waiting for mom and Chloe to get done with their talk, "We're heading back tomorrow dad. So, I don't really think that's going to happen,"

I stand looking at him with my hands in my pockets, "You know you two trashed the business deal by humiliating Daphne in her face, don't you?"

"Well, when you did call upon some random woman to be my fiancé without my consent, did you expect anything different?" raising an eyebrow, I question the stern gaze my dad is giving me. He's been this way ever since, I decided on following my dream of becoming a chef and since Chloe always defended me, of course, he doesn't approve of her.

But who cares? I don't and mom loves Chloe which is more than enough, "You keep doing this Zach and Chloe, oh she just helps you become even more irresponsible,"

"Reality check dad, she is the one who made me responsible and you, don't even respect my opinions," my hands are in fists as I try keeping my calm, "Fine, you stick to that best friend of yours-"

"Girlfriend too if you didn't already realize and if there is someone I'll ever be interested in having as my fiancé or wife, that'll be her, so you better get used to seeing her often if you want to see me," I snap and realize what I just said. I never thought of things that way and that thought can't just pop out of nowhere, I meant it. I meant it from my heart.

"That's good to know and consider my contribution to the restaurant cut off along with your shares in the company," I narrow my eyes at him, "Fine, the restaurant is doing great without your help and you're doing me a favor getting me off the company,"

"Zach-" I stop him showing my hand, feeling my anger only get more, "At least now, stop being the businessman and try being my dad. But again, that's a little too much to expect from you, isn't it Mr. Russell?"

His anger is radiating just by the glare he's giving me but there's also a flash of guilt, "I'm sorry,"

He sighs before walking away making me shake my head, "At least try not to disappoint Emmett," were my last words before he just gave a small nod and left. This man, who was an amazing father before being forced to take over the company by his dad, is now showing his weaker side.

It was all-good until grandpa past away and left the whole responsibility on dad, who had to leave his photography career and become this stern, businessperson. That's exactly why he didn't like Chloe, or he just appreciated how much she pushed me to live my life and missed having the same career that she's acing right now. Besides, she challenges him, one of the reasons I love her.

"Zach, is everything alright?" my mind relaxes as soon as I hear her voice, "We'll talk about it later,"

She gives me a worried look and I pull her into my arms before kissing her. Her hands cup my face as she kisses me back but soon pulls away, "You look stressed,"

"I'm just tired, Sugar. Let's just get back to the hotel,"

"You guys, I forgot about dessert! There's soufflé," Mom says in excitement breaking out little moment and I let out a small laugh, "We wouldn't miss a soufflé!"

Chloe adds, dragging me back into the dining room where mom is, "You and mom together, give the excitement of a party," I laugh, kissing her forehead. Oh, I got lucky with her and now I can't even imagine things any other way except with her.


"Crème soda?! Fine, you can come in," I hear Chloe's voice and walk back into the main room of the suite, "Emmett?! It's like twelve in the night, what are you doing here?!"

"Well, I wanted to just hang out with you guys, for old time's sake," I roll my eyes with a smile while Chloe closes the door once Emmett is in.

"You let him in for crème soda?" I raise an eyebrow at a grinning Chloe who's wearing my t-shirt and shorts, "Come on, we're only here tonight and we haven't spent any time with Emmett,"

She nudges me, melting my heart with her smile, "Fine," I say and she stands tiptoes, pecking my lips quickly, "So, want to watch a movie or something?"

I ask Emmett as we walked back into the bedroom where Chloe is clearing up the mess we made as soon as we got back. She scowls at me referring to the clothes all over the place making me smirk, "Woah, you guys need to clean up! My eyes, ah!"

Rolling my eyes at Emmett's exaggeration, I remove Chloe's lacy underwear while she slaps a hand against her forehead, fully flushed pink, "Loved this one," I whisper into her ear making her slap my arm.

Helping her clear out the rest of the stuff, I finally get onto the bed and sit next to Emmett who's scrolling through what to watch, "Come on," I call Chloe, patting on the space next to me.

"I'll just get the Doritos and crème soda," she says with a grin and walks back into the main room. We did this a million times before, the three of us but this time it's different. I didn't have to be conscious of her noticing me stare at her or ignore the little glances she stole of me.


"Let's just go visit them once again. We can get the early flight tomorrow," Chloe mumbles into my naked chest and I sigh, "Why did you have to be so persuasive?"

"Well, you're stubborn," she simply reasons out with a smile, "Lunch then?"

"Yup and you better be nice to your dad. I know he hasn't been the best but just let go of all those things for today, he's willing to have genuine family time," I nod kissing her forehead. I don't know what changed overnight but dad wants to have some family time and the more surprising part is that he invited Chloe.

Luckily enough, Emmett left us alone an hour ago after breakfast so now I've got my girlfriend all to myself. Grabbing my phone, I quickly leave a message to Emmett, informing him that we'll be there.

"Sugar?" I raise an eyebrow at her as she pushes me flat and sits on my stomach, "We've got three hours before lunch," I grin at her before pulling her into a kiss. Oh, this was going to be one hell of a memorable holiday.


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