°•°Chapter 37°•°

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"To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life."

- Pablo Neruda.

Chloe's POV.

"Come here buddy," I call Snowy as I sit down on the floor cushion with Zach resting against the couch behind me while everyone watched Big Hero 6 in silence. That's what I call dedication.

"Hey, pass on the fries," I whisper nudging Zach who's got his eyes glued onto the screen before glancing at me, "Here you go," he says kissing my cheek before handing me the small plate of cheesy fries. Snowy starts nudging at my hand as soon as he sees the plate in my hand making me stifle a giggle.

"You're a spoilt brat," I whisper ruffling his fur before grabbing a fry coated in cheese and feeding it to him, "Hey! Those are my fries!" Emmett interrupts the silence with his whine causing an involuntary giggle to get past my lips before he scoots closer next to me and grabs a French fry.

"Hey! We need more snacks to binge-watch all night!" Blake adds in making me roll my eyes before standing up to get more of the food that they ordered, "You guys need to stop eating it like a meal; it's called a snack for god's sake,"

I say shaking my head with a smile while Emmett and Snowy share the fries, see they're made for each other, "Let's sneak some bites off that chocolate cake," Zach whispers with a childish grin plastered on his face as we walked back into the kitchen.

"I'm craving chocolate so hurry up," I say with a grin nudging him towards the freezer. He loves sneaking out with me during these nights we have people over for obvious reasons, making out is the reason most of the time. At first, it surely was both of our frustrated sex lives, which got the better of us, but now I don't think we can continue using that excuse. It's simple, we're horny people.

I open the takeaway box of cheesy fries and pop it in the microwave before getting back to the counter to drink up some water. My eyes land on the new photograph we added onto the fridge last week with Molly and I try prying my eyes away, which doesn't work. It's the picture with Zach and Molly.

"Sugar," I almost jump at Zach's voice before he blocks my view. His hands cup my face while forcing me to meet his gaze, "She's going to be just fine," he whispers in an attempt to assure to me for probably the tenth time today.

Nodding, I just rest my head against his chest before he wrapped me in his embrace, "I hope work keeps my mind occupied," I whisper in a tired tone thinking about how our lives are going to get back to being busy from tomorrow.

His right arm holds me securely in place while using the other to run his fingers through my hair. The microwave goes off making me groan, "Stupid timing," whining, I get out of his arms before heading towards the microwave and grabbing the box of cheesy fries before replacing it with another.

"Chocolate cake," Zach says with a smile as I walk back to him, holding a bite out for me, "The best med," I finally flash a smile before taking the bite off the spoon.

"You both should please take this into the bedroom," Zach rolls his eyes as soon as Emmett's voice ruins our little moment. Crossing my arms over the counter, I lazily get onto the barstool while Emmett grabs a bite of the cake.

My eyes widen as I feel Zach's arms wrap around me before he kissed my exposed shoulder blade, "Zach!" I whisper shout trying to get away from his strong grasp while Emmett rolls his eyes at us with a smirk.

"Seriously brother, give the poor girl a break," my eyes shut close in embarrassment, as Emmett doesn't attempt to move away, "Break?"

I could feel Zach's smirk against my shoulder before he rests his chin on my shoulder making me sigh, "Yeah, break from this whole sexual tension and you acting like someone's going to steal Chloe from you,"

Biting my lower lip I stay quiet as Zach's finger rub my sides teasingly, "No one can steal her from me and the sexual tension is what you're feeling looking at us," I roll my eyes at the childish two and slap Zach's hand off my waist, "You didn't have to put on a show,"

I whisper, shaking my head while Zach does not attempt to get his head off my shoulder, "Hey! That's my chocolate cake!" Hailey's voice snaps us from our little bicker and I stifle a giggle looking at Emmett who has a spoon hanging out from his mouth.

"Oops," I say as Zach muffles his laugh into my shoulder, "Emmett!"


"Zach! Breakfast!" I whisper shout as he walks out of the bedroom, "Yeah, I know," he sighs but flashes me a smile before leaving his bag next to the couch and heading towards the kitchen. His messy hair is now all in place while he's dressed up in a dark blue shirt and grey trousers. The conclusion is that he's looking hot in formals.

"Emmett doesn't look like he's going to wake up anytime soon," he says stealing a glance at the couch before entering the kitchen, "Nope. Snowy was running around me for some time before going back to Emmett and there you go, they're snuggling again,"

I giggle shaking my head, "Well, that gives us some time to ourselves before we both start our hectic day," he says leaning a little lower and plants his lips on mine with a smile. My arms wrap around his neck while trying not to ruin his outfit, "So what's for breakfast?"

He asks me still holding me close while tucking a strand of damp hair behind my ear, "Froot loops," I say with a grin before pulling back and grab the box of cereal to pour into the bowls of milk.

"Perfect," he says before diving right into the bowl of cereal, classic Zach. I sit down next to him and scroll through my work mail, which I only checked a week ago, last, "Damn, got too many proposals for work which Dan is surely going to hate going through,"

I sigh closing the mailbox and putting my phone aside, "Is he coming back to work today?" Zach asks me while his gaze is set on my face, "I think it's safe to say no, Dan and Eli are still in the holiday mood,"

"So wait, you're working all by yourself today?"

"Yeah, got a few clients to meet today," I shrug chewing on some cereal, "Let me know if you need help with something,"

A smile dances on my face as I read his face, "Stop worrying so much and you have a whole restaurant to run so you're the one, I should be worried about,"

"Let's cut it right there, it's getting too sappy," I add with a giggle making him grin, "Well few things needn't be talked about cause I know you care a little too much about me and I do the same,"

He nudges my arm with a boyish grin topping it off with a wink, before we turned our attention back to our breakfast, "I'm done and I'll be running late if I start after five minutes," he says standing up and pecks my lips quickly, "Have an amazing day,"

"I will and you stay safe and keep texting me," I nod kissing his cheek before he walks away to grab his laptop bag and heads out after waving at me. A yawn escapes my lips as I sip on my now cold espresso, the holidays sure made me lazy.

My phone goes off making me sigh before silencing it and I stare confused at the unknown number before swiping across my screen to pick it up.

"Hey, princess,"


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