°•°Chapter 60°•°

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"The music in his laughter had a way of rounding off the missing notes in her soul."

Gloria Naylor.

Chloe's POV.

"Sugar," he trails off once again still shocked from what I asked him before stepping forward and answering me in a kiss, "Already the fucking best surprise ever," he whispers pulling back with a huge grin spreading across his face and I sigh before pulling him into a hug.

"Oh, you two! Get married first and then get on with your PDA," Dan whines while taking a picture of us and I giggle, "What about our vows?" Zach questions me as I pull back.

"About that," I lean closer to his ear, luckily the heels helping me with the height, "Right now, the standard ones. We could improvise, you know? In the evening, we write our post it," I smile finishing it off with a kiss on his cheek.

He stands there rendered speechless while looking me up from head to toe as his eyes study my off white, body con wedding dress. Oh my, just saying the word is making my heart beat ten times faster but right now, I don't think I'll ever regret this move of marrying the amazing best friend of mine.

After talking to mom, and her obsession with me getting married, that's where I got the idea of finally making a move. Zach's been patient and it took me some thinking to make sure I was ready for it but I didn't feel the tiniest bit scared. That's because it's the guy I've known almost half my life and my best friend, so what do I have to fear?

"Sounds about perfect, Sugar," he smiles kissing my forehead, "How the hell did you plan thing without me noticing?" he asks with his arm never leaving my waist.

"You were just too stressed to notice it," I say before pulling back, "Where's mom?"

"Preparing your next surprise," I say with a small laugh making him chuckle. She just knew how Zach always wanted the wedding to be between the bride and groom and not about the others. In this case, I wanted her to come along but she insisted on making the next surprise special for both of us, "There you go, even Snowy is all dressed,"

My grin widens almost hurting my cheeks as I see Snowy coming towards us with a bow around his neck, "I'm not going to lie, he looks like he could beat me in this competition with winning your heart this time,"

I give Zach a side glance with a giggle before bending as much as I could without ruining the dress to pet Snowy, "Let's get you guys married, now,"

"Emmett!" I squeal looking at him and my jaw drops, seeing my mom, Blake and Nancy as well, "You guys, this was supposed to be a surprise to Zach and now it's a surprise to me as well?!"

"Well duh, I know my sister swore on never getting married but now she is and we couldn't miss it," Blake said hugging me and mom looks at me with teary eyes, "Not the most traditional dress or traditional way to get married but you look amazing and creative move, sweetie."

I just decided this three days ago and when I asked mom and Blake to join us, both of them said that their schedules were full which I shouldn't have believed cause clearly, they wouldn't miss my wedding for anything. Well Emmett, somehow turned up as well despite how busy he's been lately.

With a smile, I greet mom into a hug, "Happy birthday!" Blake and Emmett say in unison before pulling Zach into a hug. As I previously mentioned, we hug a lot.


"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." With that classic statement being said, Zach wastes no time in pulling me into a kiss. Uh oh, someone is in a hurry, "Zach, we need to sign," I giggle pulling back.

"Fineee," he says stressing on the 'e' before pecking my lips once again gaining a sigh from the official and laughter from the guys behind us. Letting me go, with a hand never leaving my lower back, Zach signs the document before handing the pen to me and I sign as well, "Now you may kiss,"

The elderly official lets out a laugh at Zach's impatience while he seals the document, "Congratulation you both,"

"Thank you," we say in unison just before Zach pulls in me into a kiss and I smile against his lips. I wrap my arms around his neck while Blake and Emmett cheer, teasingly. I pull back to Zach's smiling face, "Thank you, Sugar,"

"Anytime, husband," I wink at him before turning to face the guys, "So now I get to call you my wife. Wow," Zach whispers kissing my forehead making me giggle at his happiness. My mom and Zach's mom are the first to hug us alternatingly while Dan busily clicks pictures of us with a smile. Everyone's smiling.

I just couldn't express the happiness, everything went beyond perfect and I never thought, I'd feel this joy, getting married. Snowy pounces Zach and I lean forwards kissing his head, "Zach, take a selfie of all of us," Dan hands him the phone while Zach's arm pulls me flush against him.

Everyone joins us including Snowy who's being carried by Emmett and Blake with huge grins before Zach clicks pictures. He pulls me into a kiss and clicks yet another picture. My hand rests on his chest as we finish off with the photos and I look at the wedding band resting on my finger. Pretty damn, last minute but no regrets.


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