chapter one

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               the supreme happiness of life consists in the conviction that one is loved

          - victor hugo



     For the past 15 years, it's always been like that. Running. No breaks. 

     I didn't go to school when I was eleven. I was accepted into Hogwarts, of course, but my grandmother was not about to put me in any more danger. I kept asking and asking until she let me go to school, but she thought Hogwarts was too much of a risk. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were too close and there were many families with connections to Voldemort, so that wouldn't have been a smart idea either.

     So, we moved to Brazil. I attended Castelobruxo until my fourth year, but when the mail came in and the headline was "Claims of the Return of the Dark Lord," we knew we had to run again. When we first saw it, my grandmother looked at me sadly and I instantly knew.

     I wondered what it would be like to lead a normal life the way I was supposed to. I'm a descendant of Merlin himself, shouldn't I be having nice chats and going to parties with the other pureblood families? 

     However, due to the unfortunate fact that my blood is the same as Merlin's, the Dark Lord has been on my family's ass ever since he found them.

     They refused. In no way would they be joining his forces. He didn't like that, of course, and probably thought that if he couldn't have them, no body could.

     I will go to Hogwarts this year. I will be protected by Albus Dumbledore this year. I will do everything I can to defeat Voldemort when the time comes, hopefully not this year. I will fight. I will not let them have died in vain.

     Valerie and Thomas Esparay. Their names will be remembered. 

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