chapter fifty-two: the war, part 1

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     It was so quiet that had someone dropped a quill, it would've been way too loud. As Snape spoke, his voice echoed through the Great Hall. "Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." He took a step down from the platform he was standing on. I kept my eyes down, not wanting to accidentally make eye contact with him. "It has come to my attention, that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmead."

     Gasps were heard from all around the room. The students murmured amongst themselves and my palms began getting slightly sweaty. I looked over at Pansy and Blaise and saw them staring back at me. I nodded faintly and they tilted their chins up. 

     "Now," Snape continued, "should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." I looked over to the Gryffindor side once again and saw Harry keeping his head down, but gripping onto his wand. Hermione and Ron weren't there, though. "Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty." The Carrows stood behind Snape, their eyes sharply glaring at everyone. 

     "Now, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening," he began walking down the middle of the hall. The four quadrants of students didn't dare to move or say anything, which was understandable considering the state of things. "I invite them to step forward," he paused, "now."

     He was stopped in the centre of the rows of students. The entire hall was so silent, and in all my years alive I had never been so overwhelmed by this silence. I looked over at Harry discreetly and much to my surprise, a voice came from the back of the room. 

     "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." The door opened to reveal the entirety of the Order of the Phoenix, along with a couple members of Dumbledore's army. "And I'm afraid it's quite extensive."

     No one was silent anymore. Pansy walked up to my side and I saw Daphne and Millicent whispering to themselves. Pansy clutched my arm and my heart was racing. "It's finally happening tonight, isn't it? It's all going to end?"

     "I hope so," I replied.

     "How dare you stand where he stood?" Harry angrily shouted. His icy eyes were staring at Snape with such hatred that if looks could kill, Snape would be long gone. "Tell them how it happened that night. How you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him!" he boomed. "Tell them."

     Snape took out his wand and Harry's grip on Draco's wand tightened, but before either of them could send any spells, Professor McGonagall popped up and pointed her wand straight at Snape. It's safe to say that there was more of a gasp from McGonagall's movements rather than Snape's, and the entirety of the student crowd backed away. 

     "That's it," I said, pulling out my wand from under my cloak. Pansy looked at me terrified, and Clara glared at me worriedly, but I ignored their stares. "What? We don't have a guaranteed survival, and I'd rather die fighting for Harry than stay silent."

     Pansy let go of my arm and I walked behind Harry. Hermione followed, then Ron. Soon, there was an array of students supporting him. However, I could sense them looking at me. I turned to see their faces and sure enough, the other students were looked at me confused and angrily, but with a hint of disbelief. I remembered, now, what Ginny said to me all those months ago when I had tried to explain.

     I assumed that everyone thought Draco and I were the ones to kill Dumbledore. "Now you know, huh? Learned not to believe everything you hear?" I spat. "I'm not here to fight against you, you absolute buffoons."

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