chapter sixty

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August 4th, 1998

     I could not have been prepared for the emotions I felt today.

     As Draco walked down the staircase of Malfoy Manor, I could see him looking down and refusing to make eye contact with anybody in the room. It was only Blaise, Pansy, and I, but I think Draco still felt embarrassed. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, I walked up to him.

     His tie was loose and his hair uncombed, his eye bags worse than they'd ever been. I wrapped my fingers around his black tie and tightened it. I pat my hand on his chest and rest my head on his heart. Regulating my breaths, I placed my hands on his cheeks, feeling stubble on his face. I went on the tips of my toes, my black dress shimmering. He leaned down, pressing his lips against mine. 

     Blaise and Pansy were sitting in the comfort of the fireplace, in each others' embrace. I pulled away from Draco and stared into his eyes. "Are you ready, love?"

     "Do we have to go?" Draco asked, tilting his head back. "I don't think I should come."

     "You're wanted there just as much as anyone else. No one hates you, Draco, the trial proved that."

     He looked between my eyes and the floor. "Can we at least stay in the back?"

     "Of course, darling, if that's what you what." I kissed his cheek and smiled softly.

     "Will you be gone long? We need to get through two of them today," said Blaise. "When you're back, we'll go to hers."

     "We won't be gone too long. 2 hours at best."

     Draco kept his head down. "Ok. I'm ready. Let's go."


     Our feet hit the wet grass as we apparated into the field. I noticed the many people occupying the seats and saw George standing behind a microphone, looking worse than anyone here. When people started realizing Draco and I had arrived, my squeezed my hand. "Rose, come on, let's go to the back -"

     "Hi, Rose. Draco." Hermione was behind us. I turned around and hugged her. "Thank you so much for coming."

     "It's not a problem, Hermione."

     I took my seat and Draco nervously kept tugging at his tie. I slapped his hand off and than rubbed his shoulder. "Calm down."

     He nodded and then, the casket was brought in. My breath hitched as it opened, Fred's body being exposed to the rest of the audience. My heart ached as I saw his magic-preserved face, paler than ever. George, although with a shaky breath, said, "Welcome, everyone."

     He spoke for a very long period of time about the life and loss of Fred Weasley, and I was on the verge of tears several times. Many people started giving their views on Fred, all of them crying at the end. 

     Once it had ended, I saw George alone by the casket. He was speaking to his brother. I put my coat on and Draco dragged his behind him. "Hey Freddie, it's just me. The coast is clear, you can wake up now."

     I glanced at the two brothers and like before, Fred was still very much dead. "Think we fooled them?" George held his brother's hand. "Oh. This wasn't a prank?"

     I wanted to walk up to George, to let him know it was time to move on, when Draco put his hand on my waist, stopping me from going any further. "He needs a moment, Rose. Let him be."

     George was sobbing over Fred's body. "Okay. I love you. See you on the other side soon, brother."

     Draco took my hand and pulled me away. "Rose, baby, we need to leave. It's time for Clara."

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