chapter thirty-four

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     The first time someone tried to remove me from Draco's side, I screamed until they gave up. Of course, I eventually ran out of energy and gave in. The most sleep I had gotten in the past 48 was a whopping 2 hours, and I was surviving off of caffeine instead of actual meals. Blaise picked me up from the chair beside Draco's bed and I kicked and hit him until he finally put me down, and then went back to the bed. 

     "Rosalind, you're not okay. You need rest. You need food. Do I need to remind you that you skipped all of your classes?"

     "You're not my mother, Blaise."

     "I'm serious, Rose."

     I ignored anything else that he said until he finally left. Then, Pansy came in. 

     "Come on, we're going out today," she said.

     "I'm not leaving until he wakes up, Pansy."

     "This is unhealthy, Rose. I'm sure Draco will be okay with you not spending every moment of every day by his side."

     I took a deep breathe in. "I lost 5 months of time with him. This is the absolute least I can do for him after everything that he's done for me."

     It didn't take long for her to leave, either. It was only at the beginning of the morning once I had woken up that Madame Pomfrey urged me to go to my classes, or at least go to my own dorm. I refused at first, but her glares convinced me. I pushed Draco's hair back and kissed his forehead. "I love you."



     As soon as I stepped foot into my dorm, Daphne left with a scowl. Millicent gave me an apologetic smile, but followed Daphne out. Strange.

     I sat on my bed and let the water works start flowing out. I thought of all the times in the Room of Requirement when I was genuinely trying to fix the cabinet. All the times I saw Draco breaking down and I couldn't do anything. Every person I behaved horribly to. I turned my back on the only people who were there for me since the moment I stepped foot into this school.

     To Theodore, who could notice my pain from a very far distance. To Blaise, who always tried to make all of us laugh. To Pansy who sat through all my rants and problems.

     I heard a knock and opened my door, revealing Hermione standing in the doorway. "How did you get into the Slytherin Common Room?"

     "Zabini. Sit back down, Rose, I have a couple questions."

     I stepped back and sat on my bed, wiping the tears off my eyes. "What do you want to know?"

     "What was it like when you had your emotions off?"

     "It was like..." My throat burned and I could feel the tears rising again. "It felt like I was two separate people. There was the rude, arrogant version of me with no emotions, and she was overpowering the other me. You know, the me me. I felt trapped."

     Hermione nodded her head. "Could you... communicate with your other personality?"

     "Yes, actually. I was so much weaker so I could never really push through, but I could sometimes control reactions." I gulped. "See, while Draco was in the bathroom, all I wanted to do was just... to turn him around and tell him that I'm still here. I'm pretty sure my eyes were brown while I was my other self."

     "Yes, your eyes did flick between green and brown often."

     "Yeah. So, I kind of, I guess you could say, bothered my other self into lending Draco a hand. I put my hand on his shoulder and that was about the most strength I had ever gotten."

     I began tearing up again and my voice started to crack. "I miss him, Hermione."

     An owl that I didn't recognize suddenly flew in. It dropped a note on my bed and left again. I unwrapped the envelope and took out the paper, and began to read.

     Hello, Rosalind

You're finally going to Hogwarts? I hope you're enjoying your time there. 

P.S. I'm okay.


     I stared at the letter, confused as to who would have written it. I don't know anyone who's name started with C other than Cho Chang, but I've rarely talked to her. I decided to ignore it for now, and I put it back into the envelope and in my drawer. I heard another knock at the door, but didn't open it this time. 

     Hermione opened it instead, and Blaise burst in completely ignoring Hermione. He was slightly sweating and Pansy ran in behind him. 

     "Draco - speaking - name - flower - you -"

     Blaise put a hand on the wall as he cooled down, catching his breath. "Draco said your name, Rose."

     My eyes shot up as I stared at Blaise, not completely believing him. "He - he said m-my name?"

     "He's not awake, it was just like a whisper. But still, he called for you," Pansy said.

     Hermione turned to look at them. "She'll go to him in a moment, I just need to tell her something."

     She rolled their eyes and scowled, but left the room. She faced me and took my hands in hers. "Rose, I know a way to get rid of your other half."

     "You're joking - seriously?"

     "I was doing some reading in the library, and I saw that I can perform this spell that separates the two of you. For just a moment, they'll be completely vulnerable. That's when you take you chance and... well, essencially kill them, but I reckon obliviating them would work just as well."

     I looked at the ground. "I'm not sure that's going to work very well."

     "Why would you say that?"

     "How am I supposed to look at the person who ruined these past months for me and act as though it's all okay?"

     Hermione patted my head as she got up. "I'm sure you can think of something. You're smart, Rose."

     She lent out her hand and I took it, standing up from my previous spot on the bed. "Now go, visit your prince charming."

     "My what?"

     "Your prince char - never mind, it's a muggle saying. Go on, now!"

     When I tell you I sprinted down the corridors, it would be an understatement. 

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