chapter twenty-four

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     When I woke up, I saw Rose still asleep looking more peaceful than ever. I moved off of the couch slowly so that I wouldn't wake her, but she woke up anyway. I knelt down beside her, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear and said in a voice barely above a whisper, "good morning, love."

     She hummed and smiled. "Morning!" Rose got up and rubbed her eyes, yawning. She strode over to the stairs and went to her dormitory, as did I. 

     I pushed open the door to see Blaise sprawled across his bed, snoring incredibly loud. Theodore put a pillow over his face and groaned. "Someone suffocate him," he complained. Crabbe and Goyle were fast asleep, somehow not bothered by Zabini.

     I slapped Blaise's head with a book and shoved him slightly, yelling "wake up you wanker."

     "Top of the morning to you too, Malfoy," he whined. 

     Theo whooped and hugged me. It was a terribly awkward hug as I stood her, not knowing what to do. "Erm, Nott? Are you feeling well?"

     "Thank you, Malfoy. I owe you. You saved me from that horrible creature."

     "Theodore Nott, we both know that I'm far from a creature."

     "Try telling me that while you're sleeping. You look like something straight from the forbidden forest."

     I chuckled and fixed my tie, going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, then grabbed my bag and went back downstairs. I noticed Rosalind going to the Great Hall with Pansy beside her.



     Pansy wanted to talk to me about some issues she was having. Apparently, Daphne and Millicent had been angry with her for a ridiculous reason and they weren't on speaking terms. 

     "Exactly, and then she said that if I don't cut all my ties with him, she's going to get pissed! Honestly, you'd think our friendship would mean more than a boy."

     As if on cue, Draco ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Guess who?"

     "Harry Potter?" I pretended to think. He rolled his eyes with a smirk and hit my head playfully. He walked away from me with his arms crossed, looking away from me. "What's wrong?"

     "Nothing, nothing at all," he said, twirling his hand. "I can't believe you thought it was Scar-head that was hugging you. You've broken my heart." He dramatically put a hand on his forehead.

     "Trust me, Pansy, whoever this boy was is definitely not worth losing your friendship with the other two. As you can see," I tilted my head towards Draco. "They're not all that. Pretty useless, if we're being completely truthful."

     "Don't listen to her, Parkinson. She may be saying I'm not all that at the moment, but last night she was -"

     "Well, then, I'll be leaving," Pansy said. She flashed me a smile. "He's an idiot, but at least he loves you. Don't take it for granted, Rose."

     I waved goodbye and hugged Draco again. "What's got you in such a happy mood?"

     He slung an arm around my shoulder and walked with me to the Great Hall. "I don't know."


     I began preparing for the dinner party later tonight when Daphne walked into the dorm slamming the door behind her, her eyes puffed up. I didn't comment on it, but after hearing her sniffling I had to do something. "Are you okay?"

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