chapter fifty-three: the war, part 2

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     Clara and I hurried to wherever they were holding the other Slytherins. It was peculiar, really, that the dungeons were so close to the common room. I quickly took out Draco's invisibility cloak that I had shrunk to keep on me and draped it over Clara and I as we saw Filch lock the Dungeon's door.

     "Let us out of here, you filthy squib!" Pansy was shouting. Blaise had his hands on the bars and tried shaking them, but nothing worked. Filch began walking away, giving me space to walk up beside them and whisper.


     The steel bars broke and the Slytherins cheered. They ran out as fast as they could, bumping into me a couple times. I took the cloak off and Pansy saw me. She laughed and gave me a high five.

     "You're the best, Rose."

     I assumed the Apparation blocking spells had lifted, because someone Apparated into the crowd, taking Theodore with them.

     We both stopped dead, Clara's hand letting go of my arm as our eyes locked. It was almost as though the shrieks of the other Slytherins had muffled up, leaving only us in this corridor. He let go of Theo immediately and I dropped the cloak, running to him. I almost tripped and would've fallen over had it not been for Draco's arms wrapping around me just in time.

     Once our bodies were pressed up against each others, it felt like a weight got lifted off of my chest. I could breathe again. His hand was on the back of my head, and he pressed his lips to mine. "Rose - you're here - are you okay? -"

     I smiled into our kiss, toppling him over. "I love you, I blurted out as I pulled away to look at him, and a panicked laugh erupted from my lips. "I love you," I repeated. There was nothing funny about this, but seeing him changed everything.

     "I - I love you too, Rose." He got up and held his hand out, waiting for me to take it. I stood and handed him his invisibility cloak, but he shook his head. "Let's keep it in the common room for now, okay?" He turned to Clara and put his hand out to shake hers. "Ello, Robinson. Hope you're doing well."

     Pansy rushed to him and hugged him as well. "You bloody ferret, do you know how annoying it was this year without you?"

     Draco smiled. "I miss you too, Penny."

     "Where would Harry be..." I asked.

     "Well, where do you think Voldemort would've hidden a Horcrux?" Clara responded. "Is there a special room for hiding things around here?"

     "Horcruxes?" Pansy question. "You've been hunting Horcruxes this entire time, Rosalind?"

     I nervously laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "Whoops?"

     "Rose, think. Where would Voldemort hide it?"

     I gave it some thought, and then it snapped. I turned to Draco and he turned to me as we simultaneously said, "the Room of Requirement!"

     Clara looked surprised by our synchronization. "This is what you and Hermione are like, Clara. It's dreadful."

     "There are two Grangers walking around, now?" Draco playfully said. "Shame. I had just started to like you, Robinson."

     "Draco, take Theo and go to the Room. I'll join you soon, but I need to bring Clara somewhere safe, first. Pansy, you too. Whatever you do, Draco, don't get yourself caught."

     I smiled at him, heartfelt. "This isn't goodbye. I'll see you in a couple minutes."

     I took Clara and Pansy as we ran across the castle and to the sounds of spells firing. I bumped into Hermione and Ron on the way there. "Where are you going?" Hermione asked me.

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