chapter sixty-two

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September 1st, 2017

This morning was a rush. We had to run from one side of the house to another just to make sure Clara and Scorpius had all their belongings. Draco and I chased them down and into the Floo, taking us straight to King's Cross station.

"We'll go together, okay? It's best to go at it with a run," I told Scorpius. He nodded, smiling, and held onto my hand. "Ready?"

"I hope so."

Draco turned to Clara and held her shoulders. "And you, princess? Got everything?"

Clara looked at Scorpius and smiled. "Yep."

Scorpius and I held onto the trolley and ran into the wall between platforms 9 and 10. As we passed through, we slowed down and Scorpius stared in awe at the wizards around us, and especially at the train. I smiled down at him. "It's brilliant, isn't it?"

"It's more than brilliant!"

"Wait until you get to Hogwarts," Draco said coming in with Clara. "The Minister's here!"

Blaise tricked in with his son, Theo, by his side and Pansy on the other side. "Am I just the Minister of Magic to you, Malfoy? Hi, Rose."

"You'll always be Minister Zabini to me, Blaise," Draco said.

"Hey, Minister Zabini," I told Blaise, making him roll his eyes. Pansy laughed and smiled.

"Teddy's back there," James Sirius Potter said breathlessly after running towards us, Harry and Ginny far behind, pointing back over his shoulder into the billowing clouds of steam. "Just seen him! And guess what he's doing? Snogging Victoire!"

He gazed up at the adults, evidently disappointed by the lack of reaction. "Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging our Victoire! Our cousin! And I asked Teddy what he was doing -"

"You interrupted them?" said Ginny. "You are so like Ron--"

"- And he said he'd come to see her off! And then he told me to go away. He's snogging her!" James added as though worried he had not made himself clear. Draco grinned at the oldest Potter child.

"Only a matter of time before it's your time to start doing things like that, no?"

Harry hit his arm. "Don't give him any ideas, Draco, you're worse than Ron."

"Oh, it would be lovely if they got married!" whispered Lily Potter ecstatically. "Teddy would really be part of the family then!"

"He already comes round for dinner about four times a week," said Harry "Why don't we just invite him to live with us and have done with it?"

"Yeah!" said James enthusiastically. "I don't mind sharing with Albus, Teddy could have my room!"

"No," said Harry firmly, "you and Al will share a room only when I want the house demolished."

I checked the battered old watch on my wrist. "It's nearly eleven, you'd better get on board."

"Don't forget to give Neville our love!" Ginny told James as she hugged him.

"Mum! I can't give a professor love!"

"But you know Neville -"

James rolled his eyes.

"Outside, yeah, but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he? I can't walk into Herbology and give him love...."

I hugged my children one last time. "Uncle Harry will be there. Don't worry, and if you need anything, either write to us or ask him, okay?"

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