chapter fourteen

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     My summer hasn't been interesting so far. Other than the occasional letters from Harry and Hermione (at times Ron), I've been sitting in my house simply reading. I got a single letter from Theodore and Blaise combined - I think they may be spending the break together.

     But because today is July 14th, my birthday, my friends invited me out to go to the Burrow so that I can spend time with them. My gran was reluctant at first, but after speaking to the Weasleys herself, she finally caved in. 

     I grabbed the essentials and stepped into the fireplace, picking up the floo powder and yelling, very clearly, "Weasley Burrow."

     When I arrived, the first thing I saw was Fred and George's grinning faces staring down at me. "Why hello, Rosie! How are you?"

     Fred lent out a hand - or was it George? - and helped me up. I saw Harry and Hermione and ran to them. I hugged them both and sat down. "I've missed you two!"

     Hermione smiled. "I've missed you too, Rose."

     "Right, then, I'm glad you're here," spoke Harry. 

     Mrs Weasley emerged from behind a door and wrapped me in a bone crushing hug, not that I'm complaining. "How are you dear, have you eaten? Are you well?"

     "Yes, Mrs Weasley, I'm doing alright. You?"

     "Ever so polite! We ought to have you around more often."

     The day consisted of games and a wonderful breakfast until noon. "How about we go to Diagon Alley and show Rose around?" Ron suggested.

     I had been to Diagon Alley only on one other occasion, and that was to buy my robes from Madam Malkin's. I barely had the time to look around. Fred and George offered to apparate us there since they were finally of age. 

     "For goodness sake, Fred, George, is it really necessary to apparate at any chance you get?" Mrs Weasley exclaimed at the pop of the twins around her. 

     "Can you all collectively promise me not to tell my Grandmother about this?" I said. "She doesn't need to know I was here."

     "We'll keep your secret, no need to stress over it," replied Ron.

     I grabbed onto Ron, who was holding onto George's arm. Hermione and Harry were with Fred. 

     And with a rather loud crack, we apparated into Diagon Alley.


     It was refreshing to get out of my house. The streets of Diagon alley weren't as packed as they used to be when I had first came here, but they were still busy. Some shops had closed down, too. 

     We took a seat in a small cafe and relaxed. Ron put his feet on the table, earning a scowl from Hermione. "Honestly, Ronald, have some manners."

     I snickered. The waiter came to us with a small cake slice, and 16 candles were placed on it. "Happy sixteenth birthday, Rosalind!" They all cheered.

     "Thank you, I really appreciate it," I replied. I noticed a person covered by a black cloak walking along the streets, but the small bit of blonde hair made me realize who it was. "I'll be back in a moment, I need to quickly chat with someone."

     I jumped out of my seat, trying to catch up with the hooded figure. I finally caught up with him and pulled his hood down. "Well, Draco, good to know that you're not dead."

     His grey eyes that usually had at least some warmness in them were as cold as ice. When he saw me, he didn't even say hello. "Leave, Esparay."

     I took a step back. "Esparay? We're back on last names now, Malfoy?" 

     "Leave me alone."

     "Fine, if you really want me to. But you're going to have to tell me whats going on sooner or later. I won't take your pathetic silence."

     He put his hood back on and continued down the street, a little faster than he had before. I entered back into the cafe with an annoyed expression.

     "What's got you all mad?" Harry asked.

     "Draco Malfoy," I replied.

     "I told you, Rose, he's bad news," added Ron. Hermione placed a hand on my shoulder and gave a sympathetic smile. 

     "What happened, Rose?" She asked.

     "Honestly, I don't know. We were fine when school ended. He hasn't written to me all summer and now that I see him and talk to him, he acts as if I'm a stranger. Not like I'm his girlfriend or anything, of course."

     "Do you know why he might be acting that way?"

     "Maybe... no, it's impossible."

     "What's impossible?" asked Harry.

     I shook my head, not wanting them to get any ideas. "Nothing. Really, it's nothing."

     As we left the shop, I saw Draco with his mother. They looked as if they were arguing. Draco saw me and his face went blank, making his mother turn around to see what was happening. She turned back to her son.

     "I hope he's okay. He's not like that, believe me. He may act like an arse, but to almost everyone who's not annoying him he's... different. Sweet. There's a reason I'm still around him."

     The three friends exchanged a look as we headed back to my house. I hugged them all goodbye as my grandmother opened the door. "Gran, this is Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, who I told you about, and Ron Weasley."

     She smiled kindly at them. "Pleasure to meet you." She closed the door and hugged me. "Happy Birthday, my dear Rosalind. Here's to another year." She brought out the cake she would make every year for as long as I can remember - Chocolate and Vanilla, with a little bit of strawberry jam filling.

     She kissed the top of my head and left. I made a silent wish to myself, but it wasn't the usual wish to stay safe and out of trouble. I wished for something different.

     I wished for Draco to be alright. I wished that Draco wasn't being hurt, and most importantly, I wished he wouldn't die this year.

     I blew out the candles and sat back in my chair. "Here's to another year of surviving."



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