chapter fifty-four: the war, part 3

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     The three of us stumbled inside the Room fo Requirement and left the chaos of outside behind, silence over taking us.

     The silence was worse than the screams, though. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Draco immediately clutched my hand as we both remembered the days we spent here last year working on the cabinet which led to Dumbledore's death. It seems silly, now, that we were so worried about getting the Cabinet fixed back then.

     "Hold on, how do you have a wand, Draco?"

     "My mother gave me hers," he replied to me.


     It was so silent that our footsteps sounded like a hundred elephants, so when I heard a tinkle and the fall of an object, I didn't know if I was imagining it or not. Draco and Theo stopped in their tracks too, though, so something must've actually fallen. Draco took my hand and dragged me to the source of the sound with Theodore behind us.

     "What was -"

     Turning around, I saw Ron holding his wand towards Theo. "What are you doing here?"

     "He's not trying to hurt you, Ron, I promise -"

     "What about Malfoy?" Ron said while staring at Draco. "Suppose you're trying to give Harry to Voldemort yourself, eh?"

     "He's here to help you, I swear," I pleaded. I held Draco's hand. "He's with me, Ron, isn't that enough?"

     Ron lowered his wand slightly and backed away. I heard the door open again, and a girl entered with a sneer. "Well well well, what do we have here?"

     "What do you want, Greengrass?" Theo spat. 

     "I followed you three in here. I want to be the one to give Potter to the Dark Lord. Weren't you doing the same?"

     "No! Absolutely not!"

     She simply hummed and walked around us. Draco looked at me from the corner of his eye and I furrowed by brows together, wondering how Daphne became like this. Ron turned back and saw her with us, now, and raised his wand again. Daphne quickly pulled out her wand and pointed it at Ron aggressively.

     "Put your fucking wand down, Greengrass, we're helping them." Draco turned to Ron. "Don't pay attention to anything she says."

     But before anything else could happen, Daphne sent a jink at Ron. He deflected it, but was angered by this. A small duel emerged from the two of them and Hermione quickly came to help. 

     I stuttered backwards as Hermione sent a spell so powerful that wind blew in our faces. Draco whipped his mothers wand out and attempted to deflect the spells Hermione threw at him. "Hermione, he's with us! I promise, Draco's with us. We're trying to help - Theo, seriously?"

     From Theodore's wanted sprouted a flame. Draco lunged at him "Don't, you imbecile -"

     But it was too late. Once Theo let go of his wand, the room slowly began catching on fire. Daphne, who was obviously becoming more and more scared by the minute, was dashing through and out the door. 

     Draco and I pressed our backs against a pillar and let out a breath as the spells and jinxes missed us. From the back of the room, Harry came out and Hermione ceased the fire before it could get too big. It wasn't Fiendfyre, so it was simple to control.

     "I believe you have something of mine, Potter. I'd like it back," said Draco.

     "What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asked.

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