chapter three

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For the next couple of days, things were almost normal. I told my grandmother all about me getting into Slytherin and befriending the Parkinson girl, and she responded with the two words I know best - be safe.

And although I wasn't in Gryffindor, Harry, Hermione, and Ron treated me as if I was. We did just about everything together. Harry and Ron even played quidditch with me, along with Ginny who I met very recently.

It wasn't until today that I had my first encounter with Draco Malfoy


I was walking down the hall, rushing to the common room because of plans that Pansy and I had made when I bumped into him

"Oi, you blithering idiot, watch where you're going," he said nastily. I kept my head down, not wanting to cause any trouble or attract any attention. "Oh, of course it's you, Esparay. Don't get in my way."

I almost cried right after that.


I had potions first, and just to my luck, I sat between the same boy from the night I got sorted and another one I hadn't met yet. I glanced over at his book and saw the words "T. Nott"

My heart sunk. I was sitting beside the son of a deatheater.

Pushing the thought to the back of my head, I started reading my potions book and began brewing the Confusing Concoction that Snape had just assigned. "So, brownie, I don't think we got off on the best foot. I'm Blaise Zabini, but you can call me sexy."

I tried ignoring him, but he wouldn't stop speaking. Finally, I heard the other boy's voice. "Blaise, seriously? She doesn't want to talk to you. Leave her alone."

I instantly had an appreciation for the Nott boy. I looked up at him and gave him a smile, hopefully showing my appreciation.

After class, he caught up with me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Rosalind, I don't think I've introduced myself properly yet. I'm Theodore Nott. Pleasure to meet you."

     I shook his hand and replied, "please, call me Rose. Rosalind is far too long."
     I smiled at the boy and we walked to our next class, which happened to be Defence Against the Dark Arts.


     The next day, I felt like I could take on the world. Wether it was my newly found friendships with Pansy and Theodore, or my excitement to be at Hogwarts, my heart drove me to trying out for the quidditch team. I had been a Chaser back at Castelobruxo, and I was pretty bloody good at it.
     As soon as I walked onto the pitch, I saw the familiar, bitter blond tufts of hair that I wasn't too fond of. It appears as though he didn't like me much, either, as he rolled his eyes and smirked.
     Marcus Flint, the captain of the team, gave a speech that I suspected was given every year, as half the team wasn't even paying attention. We did the basics, but I couldn't help but notice what an amazing player Draco Malfoy was. He may be an arse, but he was a brilliant seeker - I couldn't deny it.

     Oh, I got onto the team, by the way. So did Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. Yet, I'm not exactly sure how the last 2 got in.


     It was safe to say that when Draco congratulated me on getting into the team later that evening, it sent me into a shock.

     "As much as I hate saying this, Esparay, you're one of the best Chasers I've seen in a while."

     To hear those very words come out of Malfoy's mouth was foreign. It was later followed by, "don't get it twisted, though, I still don't particularly enjoy your presence."

     Ah yes, there was the Draco Malfoy I knew of.

     I rolled my eyes and headed back to my dorms, but I couldn't help but slide a small remark. After all, I had to have the last word at all times.

     "It's okay, Malfoy. I know you might be a little frightened to admit it at the moment, but you shouldn't be. It's completely fine that you're absolutely in love with me."

     If I had any doubts about saying that in the first place, they all went away as soon as I saw his cheeks grow pink from embarrassment. It seems as though he does have feelings other than hatred.


     I went back down to the common room to grab a book I had left behind, when I saw something I was probably not supposed to see.

     It was Theodore and Marcus, kissing against a wall. As soon as Theo saw me, he ran up to me and began to explain.

     "Seriously, Theo, I don't mind. I'm not going to say anything if you don't want me to."

     "Rose, it's not that I don't trust you, it's that Marcus really doesn't want anybody finding out anytime soon - his family would have his head. Keep us being as straight as circles between us, would you?"

     He looked as though he had seen a ghost, so I instantly replied with, "of course. I have your back. Slytherin to Slytherin, I'll keep your secret." Even after I said that, he still seemed a little bit uncertain. "I swear on Merlin, Theo. You needn't worry."

     "Thank you, Rose. I owe you."

     "Not at all. Please don't think about it."

     I looked over at Marcus and gave him a nod and a smile, and headed back to my dorms with my book in my hand. Pansy saw me and introduced me to Millicent Bulstrode and Daphne Greengrass properly. I greeted them and listened to them chat about their days.

     I was going against everything my grandmother had told me. Don't hang around with the Deatheater offspring, don't draw attention to yourself, and even if you're placed in Slytherin, do everything you can to avoid acting like one.

     I decided that it was for the best that I don't mention any of this to my grandmother while writing letters to her.

     I let out a grin as I lay in my bed, the lights all turned off. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, after all.

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