chapter forty-one

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A/N: I know this isn't huge but I still can't get over how people are actually enjoying this story like??? thank you???

But on another note, I'm going to stop posting every day. Instead, I'm posting every other day because this story is going by so quickly and there are really only 25 chapters left :(

I can make the chapters longer and more detailed too so it's more enjoyable to read.

love uu



     If Draco thought I was going to go to Hogwarts, he was mistaken.

     From the day I was born, Voldemort had wanted me dead. The only reason I didn't die the same day my parents did was because my grandmother had taken me to a park to admire the clouds. When she brought me home in the stroller, my aunt gave her the news that her son and his wife were dead.

     I don't remember it, of course, I was only a month old. My grandmother had told me about everything. My guess was that Voldemort wanted me dead because he killed my parents and was afraid that if I didn't join his forces, I'd be able to defeat him.

     It makes sense now that I look back on it. And now that he's made me a Death Eater, he didn't have to fear me anymore. It's laughable, really, that he believes I am truly loyal to him. If he doesn't know that I will never stop fighting to get rid of him, he's a fool. He murdered my parents, what else did he expect?

     And as for Hogwarts, I couldn't go. I couldn't bring myself to even think about what Ginny would do the next time she saw me, let alone Neville or Luna.

     And Harry. He must hate me by now.

     Anyway, it didn't matter if he hated me or not. I'm going to help them take down the Dark Lord, and they're obviously not going to do that by dancing down the Hogwarts corridors. I'm not sure I'll be able to tell Draco or Blaise, or even Theo, but Pansy's always been especially talented at keeping secrets.

     Mornings melted into nights and the days passed quicker than ever. It was July 30th now, and Draco and I had taken a trip to a small city in northern Italy called Verona. We entered a bookstore and rested in a small cafe inside of it for at least a couple hours. I sipped on my coffee while reading a book I'd practically memorized from cover to cover - Pride and Prejudice.

     Draco was also reading, his hair messed up from not having it brushed this morning, and his focus completely on the pages. I looked over at the cover of the book he was reading and smiled, "Romeo and Juliet?"

     He quickly looked up at me and smiled back, placing a bookmark between the pages and laying it flat on the table. "It only seems fitting, doesn't it? To be reading a Shakespearian tragedy in fair Verona."

     "Would you want to head out? It's getting a bit late and there are still some parts of the city we haven't visited," He suggested.

     "Okay, just give me a moment to put the books back."



     Rose stood up taking my book with her and went behind a bookshelf, placing the books back in the proper spot. I decided to clean up our table in the time being and threw our rubbish out in the can beside the entrance door.

     The bell jingled as the door opened and someone came in. They didn't notice me, thankfully, but I immediately knew who it was. My eyes grew larger and I choked on the water I had been drinking as I backed up and away from the woman.

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