chapter forty-two

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     It was the first of August. 

     "Rose, I really don't want you going to Hogwarts alone," Draco pleaded. "I can't make sure you're safe there. The Carrows wanted another Death Eater with them. I tried to make them stop, I really did, but Voldemort really wants you to go. I'm so sorry."

     I wanted to tell him that everything would be okay. That he had no reason to be worried. I'd be lying, though, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

     "Promise me you'll stay safe. Don't get into any trouble."

     "I won't Draco, stop worrying." I placed my hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. His face immediately softened at our contact. "I'm seventeen. I can fend for myself. Besides, we're just going to Blaise's house. We have a full month before I leave."

     I hated lying to him. 

     Last night, the Death Eaters had gone after Harry. He got moved to a safe house - although I'm not quite sure where. My best guess was the Weasley Burrow. Draco took my bags and pulled the strap onto his shoulder. 

     The misty yet warm summer air blew in our faces as we left the house. "I'm sorry it's on such short notice. I don't want you around everybody else. I thought you'd be happier with Pansy, Theo and Blaise."

     I had asked for us to take a walk instead of apparating. It was rather convenient, really, that Zabini and Draco lived so close to each other. Arriving at the front door of his house, Draco dropped my bags onto the ground. After 3 knocks, Blaise opened the door with a grin.

     "Lovely to see you, brownie. Hope you won't miss Malfoy too much."

     "I'll be back tomorrow night, Zabini. Shut it," Draco said. 

     "Thank you for letting me stay, Blaise," I thanked while jabbing Draco's ribs. Pansy popped her head out the door and smiled at me, walking towards me with a hug. 


     "Pansy, I missed you so much."

     The hug was exactly what I needed. "I missed you more. Theo wouldn't stop talking about you. 'If Rosalind was here, she'd be able to make us a proper meal. If Rosalind was here, this. If Rosalind was here, that.' Honestly, it was a pain in the -"

     "Well, then, I best be off." Draco turned and held both my hands in front of him. He sadly smiled at me and then pulled me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you. I love you."

     "Me too." I didn't straight up say I loved him. I did, I really did, but it was almost as though I was saying goodbye. I needed to see him again soon, so I didn't dare say a goodbye now.

     Pansy took my arm and dragged me inside. She giggled as we entered the house and watched Draco leave. He waved goodbye and in return, I smiled. 

     "Right, then, let's settle you in."

     It was nice seeing them, but I wouldn't be staying for long. I pulled Pansy to the side momentarily and leaned against a wall. With a sigh, I let my hair down and wiped the sweat of my palms off on my shorts. "Pansy, I need you to promise me that what I tell you stays between us. In this room."

     Worriedly, she looked at me. "Of - of course. Anything. Should I be concerned?"


     "Why? What's happening?"

     My stomach churned as my heart beat fastened. "I'm not going to Hogwarts this year."

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