chapter thirty-five

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     I got to Draco's side and saw him laying still, as he had before I left. I stood beside him as Madame Pomfrey washed his wounds are ran my hands through his hair. Just as Blaise, Pansy and Theo trickled in behind me, I heard Draco very quietly whisper.


     I smiled bigger than I had all year. "Hello, Draco."

     He opened his mouth again, but no words came out. Madame Pomfrey tapped the side of his bed and faced me. "He's just a bit weak at the moment. He should wake up sooner or later, I reckon he'll want you around when he does."

     I beamed as she walked away, turning to the 3 friends. Theo walked towards me so that we were side by side and I rested my head on his shoulder. Pansy hand was on my shoulder as we watched Draco breathe silently, the five of us completely calm. "Don't you think it's a bit stalker-like that we're watching him sleep," Blaise asked.

     "Maybe for us and Theo, but not for Rose," Pansy replied. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. 

     "Just because I'm his girlfriend?"

     "I was thinking more because you've shagged him, but I guess that too."

     Blaise laughed at Pansy's remark and Theo tried to stifle a laugh, but failed horribly in the process. I slapped her arm away and scowled at her, but it was impossibly for me to not smile. "God, I hate you guys."

     Blaise hugged Pansy from behind and kissed her neck as she smiled. Theo and I looked over at the couple and then to each other, faking a gagging noise. Pansy scoffed and glared at us. 


     We left the hospital wing shortly after to go to the Great Hall for our dinner, when I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione take a seat on the bench right behind me. I looked at Harry and although he wasn't saying anything, I tried to move as far away as possible from him. Theo noticed my discomfort and offered to switch spots with me, so that I was sitting on the other side of the table. 

     Harry got up and turned to our table, making direct eye contact with me. "Rosalind, I need to speak with you."

     "No, I don't think you do," I replied. He fiddled with his fingers and then turned towards me again. 

     "Rose, please."

     Theo looked at me, giving me a look that asked if he should get rid of Harry. I shook my head and stood up, still not looking him in the eye. "Make it quick."

     I followed him behind a pillar. "I'm sorry. For everything. I didn't know what that spell was or what it would do. I didn't mean to hurt Draco that badly, I swear."

     "Do you know how terrified I was?"

     "I don't, but I can imagine what it felt like. I know how it feels to -"

     "Oh god, Potter, you're making this about you again." I finally got the courage the look at him, and I played with the tips of my hair. "I'm not saying I forgive you, but... I don't hate you. I know you didn't mean to almost kill Draco."

     Harry smiled and let his hand out for me to shake it. I scoffed and turned my back to him, heading towards the hospital wing to check on Draco. "Don't push it, Harry."

     I ran down the corridors, toppling over a couple of the younger kids. I pushed the doors open and walked towards the chair I had been sitting at this entire time and took Draco's hand again, holding it close to my chest. "Please wake up, darling. I'm back. I'm all Rosy again - get it? I love you. Please."

     I saw a smile creep on his face when I let go of his hand, abruptly standing up. He opened his eyes and looked at me, the colour restored to his face. "You're all Rosy again?"

     I clapped my hands over my mouth, but my smile was evident in my eyes. "You're awake?"

     "No, I'm actually asleep."

     I walked up closer to him, so that out faces were inches away. "I've missed you so much, Rose. So much."

     With his hand holding my face towards his, he pulled me closer and pressed his lips against mine, giving me the faintest whisper of a kiss.

     Something about the softness of it made me feel beautiful. Without a word, I could understand how excited he was to have this moment. He pulled away and our foreheads lay against each other's. "I love you too."

     He tried getting up, but he failed miserably as his abdomen was still healing. He groaned as he pressed his back against the frame of the bed, almost panting. "The cabinet's fixed," I told him.

     For a moment, his eyes lit up with excitement. Then, suddenly, he realized what this meant.

     The cabinet was fixed.

     "Oh... do you wan't me to tell my family?" He asked. 

     "It's fine, I already let Narcissa know." For the umpteenth time, I smiled again. "I'm so glad you're awake."

     "And I'm happy you're yourself again," he smirked. "You don't know how excruciatingly painful it was to not be able to show any affection towards you."

     He scooted over so that there was enough room for the both of us, and I got into the bed and snuggled up against him, hearing his heartbeat through his warm chest. "Draco, I'm terribly sorry about the snitch and all the words I said to you. I still loved you, you know. I never stopped. My emotionless side was just... so much more powerful."

     He smiled down at me. "For a moment, I thought I'd lost you. It's quite funny, if you ask me, that I caused you to come back -"

     "Technically, it was thinking that the person I loved most was dying. Your near-death experience at the hands of Harry Potter caused me to gain enough strength to jump through. But, whatever floats your boat."

     "Whatever floats my boat?"

     "It's - forget it, it's a muggle saying."

     We lay like that until the morning sun arrived. Madame Pomfrey urged me to go back to my own dorm, but after a while of pretending to be asleep she eventually gave up. 

     We didn't need to speak - our bodies pressed against each other were the only sources of intimacy we needed. Every now and then, Draco would press a kiss to the top of my head. His one arm was wrapped around my waist and closed at my back, and my head rested just under his neck.  

     In those moments, I had never felt more safe. 

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