chapter sixty-one

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June 5th, 2005

     I couldn't think of a gift for Draco that would top mine. 

     I was so excited I could scream. I looked at the test and my suspicions were correct - I was pregnant. After 7 years of trying, I was finally expecting a child. I put the test into a small box and placed it on the table beside the door. Our apartment was quiet and cozy, but it was home. 

     We decided on leaving Malfoy Manor, as it was a reminder of our past - and this new life, it was a new chapter of our lives. Draco's job at the Ministry as Head of Aurors took up a good amount of time, but never so much that he couldn't make time for me. I, on the other hand, was the Minister's secretary. Blaise's secretary, to be exact. The people liked him so much that he kept getting re-elected.

     Harry was considering working in that department, but ultimately we all thought that he needed a break from chasing around the bad guys. Harry was now a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, just as he had been for the past 5 years. 

     Draco opened the door and walked in, smiling as he saw me waiting by the fireplace. He picked up the box and walked over to me, kissing my forehead. "Good evening, beautiful."

     He sat down beside me and held the box in his hand, shaking it. "Happy Birthday," I said, trying to contain my smile. "Go on, open it."

     Draco curiously smiled and opened the lid of the box, taking out the test. He didn't know what it was at first, but then he stood up, dropping everything in his hand except the test. He examined it for several moments until finally turning to me and putting a hand over his mouth. "You're pregnant?"

     I nodded my head and grinned. "I'm pregnant."

     He hugged me and both of us began tearing up, and I may or may not have heard Draco squeal. He pulled back and placed a hand on my stomach. "I'm going to take care of you, both of you. I promise that."

     I kissed him and Draco lifted me up into the air, spinning me. He put me down and triumphantly thrusted his fist into the air. "I'm going to be a dad!"

     I laughed and hugged my husband again. "Happy Birthday, darling."


9 months later

     I was at St. Mungos. Pansy pointed out that there was something dripping down my legs and we realized my water had just broke. Draco burst down the door. "Is Rose -"

     He saw me laying in the bed and ran to me, holding my hand. "It's finally happening. Scorpius is coming to us today."

     Fast forwards a couple hours and I had just popped out my first-born. The doctor cleaned him up and handed him to me as I cradled my son. The lighting of the room was dim and Draco looked awestruck. He held his finger out to our son and he wrapped his little fingers around Draco's index. My heart fluttered at my family.

     "Hello, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Did you know I love you?" Draco cooed, a smile playing on his lips. The doctor came back to us and grinned. 

     "Here comes the second one."

     Draco and I immediately looked at each other, Scorpius happily in his arms. "I'm sorry?"

     "You were carrying twins - were you not aware?"

     I shook my head. "No, of course not!" I tilted my head back and beamed. "There's another one?"

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