chapter seven

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     I jumped out of bed and changed out of my clothing. I seem to have woken Millicent, Daphne, and Pansy, though, as they all groaned. 

     "It should be illegal to wake up at this hour of the morning," muttered Daphne. I playfully hit her head. "'Ey! What was that for?"

     "It wasn't for anything, I just felt the sudden need to inflict slight pain in you, Daphne." She muttered something I couldn't hear and went to the bathroom. Millicent tucked herself back into bed, while Pansy groggily walked over to me. 

     "Have fun today, Rose, will you? I expect every small detail once you come back."

     "I'll let you know about everything, trust me."

     "What's happening today?" asked Millicent. Pansy smirked.

     "Rose, dearest, is going to Hogsmead with Malfoy."

     Daphne's head popped out from the door of the bathroom with wide eyes. Millicent pushed the covers off of her and got up. 

     "YOU DIDN'T TELL US?" They both screamed. I laughed at the looks on their faces.

     "I'll tell you when I come back. I promise. We'll have a little... ladies night." I smiled at them. "Draco isn't the only event that happened that I need to tell you girls about."

     I got ready and headed down the stairs from the dorms to the common room and noticed Draco already sitting on the chairs. 

     "Hello Rosalind. Are you ready to head out?" He asked, linking our arms together. 

     "No, I came down here to break the news that I want a divorce. Sorry," I sarcastically responded. He rolled his eyes with a grin and said, "I want custody of our child."

     I leaned onto him and we walked to Hogsmead station.


     We walked down the cobblestone path leading into the 3 broomsticks and sat down at one of the further seats. We drank our butterbeer and talked about school. Finally, he said the words I've been dreading.

     "So, Rose, you promised to tell me more about yourself. What should I know?"

     I looked down. "Why do you want to know so much about me?"

     He stared at his fingers for a couple seconds, his mouth opening but no words coming out. "I don't know. I guess I just do."

     I decided I couldn't avoid this subject forever, or else he would start getting suspicious. I clasped  my hands together.

     "Well, my birthday is the 14th of July." I looked back at his eyes. What about you?"

     "Fifth of June," he said carelessly. "Why do you live with your grandmother?"

     I stopped moving and stayed silent, not knowing how to put it into words. I think he felt guilty about asking that because he said, "I apologize if it's a personal subject. You don't have to tell me."

     I understood that it would probably come out sooner or later, and sooner was better. "My parents died fighting Voldemort," I said, emotionlessly. 

     "I'm so sorry."

     "It's okay, honestly. It was 15 years ago. It doesn't affect me as much as it did before." 

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