chapter twenty-one

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     October came around fairly quickly, leading the summer nights into autumn. Draco and I had only worked on the cabinet once a week ever since the first time, because being around it any longer was dreadful. We spent most of our days as we did last year, with the added bonus of being together this time. I was heading into the great hall with Pansy when Harry called me over to sit with him at the Gryffindor table. Pansy scoffed, but eventually let me go.

     "Hello, guys," I greeted. They all waved in response except for Harry.

     "Now, the three of us seem to have different opinions on a certain subject. Before I tell you, do you know anything about a Half-Blood prince?" Harry asked.

     I scrunched my nose and turned my head. "No, I don't think so. Why?"

     Harry pulled out the same scrapped up book from potions and showed it to me. "This book, it's done me wonders. It gives all these tips and tricks to potion making, but Hermione here is telling me to consider giving it back."

     "Why would you do that?"

     Harry turned to Hermione with a triumphant smirk. "And that, Hermione, is exactly what I mean."

     "Rose, he's been carrying that book around for weeks - practically sleeping with it - and has no interest to find out who the Half-Blood Prince is," Hermione cut in.

     Ron snorted. "I still think you're just bothered that you're not top of the class anymore. He's bloody perfect at every potion he makes, all because of that book."

     "I don't think you should worry about it too much, still. It's just a book that the previous owner wanted to... spice up?"

     Harry put his arm on my shoulder and smiled. "Knew I could count on you."

     I headed back to the Slytherin table and was welcomed by a rather possessive Draco, who was holding me closer and tighter than ever before. I was enjoying it, but I was confused as to why. "Draco, darling, may I ask why you're suffocating me?"

     "Just marking my territory, Rosalind."

     I hit his head with the back of my hand, ending in a yelp from Draco. "Oi, what was that for?"

     "I don't belong to you, Draco. Just because we're together does not mean that you own me."

    He rubbed my shoulder. "I know, love. Just wanted to make Potter know that you're mine."

     I laughed, giving up. "Honestly, you're obsessed with him."


     I stood in front of the Room of Requirement's door, pacing back and forth 3 times wishing for the same thing; I need the room Draco is in. It's doors opened and I stepped inside, immediately seeing the white-blonde hair. I had a stack of new books in my hands. I placed them on a table near-by and walked over to Draco, his eye bags now darker than ever. His usual pale skin now had a grey tinge to them. I knew I didn't look any better - anyone with eyes could see that. I took my robe off, rolled up the sleeves of my button up shirt and twisted my hair into a pony tail.

     "Okay, where should we start?"

     He ruffled my hair up a little bit and smiled loosely. "You're the Charms master. You tell me."

     "You're insufferable, Malfoy," I said, shaking my head. I opened the book and dust flew everywhere. I coughed a couple times and wiped the dust off. "Here, 'Aufero Maledictio.' It could work."

     Draco read through it a couple times and turned to the cabinet. "Aufero Maledictio."

     The cabinet shook, a small light emerging from it. My heart rate quickened. He just cast the first successful spell. I looked at him seriously and he opened another book, giving me more spells. Only a couple of them worked after that, but it was still a start. When we stepped out of the room, the sky was dark and the stars were shining. However, instead of going to our common room as we normally would, I decided to have some fun. 

     "Let's go to the astronomy tower."

     I grabbed Draco's hand as we ran up to the tower, making sure neither Filch nor any of the other students noticed us. We hurried up the many stairs and finally reached the top, out of breath. I walked up to the railing and stared up at the sky. Draco stood beside me, hanging his arms off the rail.

     He pointed to a constellation in the sky. "You see those stars right there?"

     I looked at where his finger was pointing. "Yes, what about them?"

     "That's Draco."

     "The constellation?"

     "No, the incredible hot man standing beside you."

     I rested my head on his shoulder and let out a breath. I pointed at another group of stars. "What's that one?"

     He squinted his eyes a bit and smiled. "That one's Cassiopeia."

     I hummed and closed my eyes, feeling as though there wasn't a problem in the world. I glanced at Draco's arm, noticing the skin on the left one slightly irritated. "Draco, what happened to your arm?"

     He looked to where I was pointing and rolled his sleeve back down. "It's nothing."

     "Don't tell me you tried to scratch it off. You know that's not how it works."

     "Trust me, I'm well aware."

     Even if he didn't want to tell me, he could tell that I knew well and clear what he was trying to do. I pulled my own sleeve up, showing him the snake and skull forever imprinted on my arm. "See? It's just a mark. It doesn't define who we are."

     He now held me closer to him than ever before, as a tear rolled down his face. 

     "No, no, don't cry. Don't cry. I'm right here. Draco Malfoy, you're not alone. I'm here."

     He smiled through the tears and put a hand on the back of my head. "I love you, Rose. I love you so much."

     Suddenly, the world stopped spinning. It was just me and him, him and I. Nobody else. Our lips crashed together, and we shared our most passionate and heated kiss we've ever had. I ran my hand through his hair. His hand was right behind my ear, gently cupping my face. 

     My heart was beating so incredibly fast and I knew right in that moment that he was my soulmate.

     I pulled back, breathless. I stared deep into his beautiful grey eyes, colour visibly returning to his skin. 

     "I love you more than you'll ever know."

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