chapter thirteen

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     My first year at Hogwarts had finally come to an end. Harry was still in a mood ever since Sirius died, but he had every right to be sad. It had gotten better, though, and he finally started eating normally again. Even some colour returned to his face. I joined Harry, Hermione, and Ron to the carriages - it seems as though Ron had warmed up to me after a while.

     "I've been thinking of something Dumbledore said to me," Harry said, gaining attention. "That even though we've got a fight ahead of us, we got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have."

     "Oh really? And what's that?" Ron asked.

     "Something worth fighting for," Harry replied.

     For a moment, my heart did a flip. My eyes locked onto Draco laughing by the train. His happiness was enough to pause any bad thoughts inside my head.

     "Dumbledore was absolutely right," I said. The three friends looked at what I was staring at so intensely and laughed.

     "I definitely wasn't thinking of Malfoy when I said that, but if that's who you feel that you're fighting for, then so be it," said Harry.

     I bit my lip, embarrassed, and headed onto the Hogwarts Express. I said my goodbye's to the trio and found a compartment with Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent. They invited me to sit with them, but I only needed to say goodbye to them. I shook Daphne and Millicent's hands and pulled Pansy into a hug.

     "I'll see you next year. Owl me whenever you can, all right? I want to hear all about your summer," I said.

     "Of course I will, Rose. I'm going to miss you so much."

     I went off and searched for a specific compartment and found Draco, Blaise, and Theodore together. I entered and took a seat next to Draco. 

     "If you two begin snogging in front of us, I'm leaving," said Theo. 

     Blaise chuckled. "I'm leaving as soon as they begin calling each other rubbish like 'my love' or 'darling.'"

     I glared at the two of them. "I haven't been in here 30 seconds and I'm already getting attacked. I feel hurt," I said with a fake voice.

     Blaise and Theo ran off to Merlin knows where and left Draco and I in the compartment alone. I rested my head of his shoulder, feeling safe. "I'm sorry about your father, Draco. I may not have exactly liked him, but I don't think he deserved Azkaban just yet."

     Draco tilted his head up, leaning against the back of his seat. He closed his eyes, "It's my mother I'm most worried about. It wasn't your fault, Rose. Don't worry."

     Blaise and Theo came back with a whole trolly full of sweets. I was used to things like this at this point, so I didn't question it. instead, I joined them in a game of 'guess the every flavoured bean flavour' - Blaise's name, not mine.


     I hopped off the train once we arrived in London and searched for my grandmother. I started running towards her when I spotted her, but Draco put a hand on my shoulder.

     "I didn't want to bother Theo and Blaise on the ride back, so I didn't kiss you. But right now..." He bent down and kissed me firmly on the lips. "I needed that."

     And it's not that I didn't enjoy that - I did. I really did. But the main problem here was that my gran was less than 2 meters away and would probably ridicule me once we got home. I was proven wrong - she decided to yell right now.

     "Rosalind Esparay, what do you think you're doing?"

     Draco turned around and saw my grandmother walking quickly towards him. He looked shocked. 

     "Gran, I can explain -"

     "I don't want to hear it, Rosalind. You've read the news, you know exactly why I'm mad at the moment. And you," she turned to Draco. "You stay away from my granddaughter, is that understood?"

     Draco gulped. "Yes ma'am. I apologize." She took me by the arm and we headed off home. I turned back my head and cringed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry," I mouthed with a grin. He smiled and nodded in return. 

     Gran opened the door to our house and slammed it shut. She shoved past me as I put my bags on the stairway. "Gran? Are you alright."

     She shook her head in disappointment and clasped her hands together. "Rosalind, do you speak english?"


     "Is it my accent? Should I have an American accent when I speak to you?"


     "Then what part of stay away from Death Eaters do you not understand? I told you, Rose. I told you. And look at what you do - not only did you go to the ministry and witness someone get killed, but you exposed yourself to several Death Eaters! You're even going out with Malfoy's son now, aren't you? You know I never use our ancestors name in vain, but Merlin, child, are you daft?"

     I stayed silent. I had seen her mad before, but right now she was furious. "I'm sorry -"

     "Save it. 'I'm sorry' won't save you when you're dead. Do you need me to say it again or did you finally comprehend what I'm telling you? Stay away from people like them."

     She stormed off into her own bedroom, but I knew she was wrong. Wrong about Draco, wrong about Slytherin, wrong about everything. I ran up to my own room, quickly wrote a letter to Draco, and gave it to my owl to send. I didn't notice my grandmother standing in the doorway. "Who was that letter for, Rose?" She questioned.

     "It was for Hermione. She's my friend in Gryffindor. A muggleborn," I quickly lied. My gran sighed and left the room. I plopped onto my bed, already missing Hogwarts and all the memories.

     Only 63 days until I go back.

     Only 63.


I finally finished their fifth year damn haha ok bye see you tomorrow


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