chapter five

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     I think I just had my worst day at Hogwarts.

     I was heading towards Astronomy when I accidentally bumped into Seamus Finnegan - I was running and didn't notice him. Of course, he though I was intending to hurt him by doing so, which caused a series of insults to follow my apology.

     "Sorry, Seamus, let me help you with your books." I bent down to pick up his bag when he slapped my hand away.

     "I don't need your hands on my things, Esparay. You think just because you're a Slytherin, you can go around tripping people? I won't have any of it. Slytherin scum, I tell you. Scum-"

     To my surprise, it were Blaise, Theo and Draco who stepped in.

     "Oi, Finnegan, what do you think you're doing going around calling her 'Slytherin Scum'? Did you forget that she's beating you in every subject?" Draco defended.

     "No, Draco, I think that being in Gryffindor has made him extra sensitive. He's been given everything he's wanted because Merlin forbid somebody from Gryffindor gets into some actual trouble around here," added Blaise. I reminded myself to thank him for that later.

     "Us Slytherins actually have to fight for what we want. Why do you think we jump at the chance to join all the clubs? Why do you think we need to be the teacher's pets?" It was Theodore's turn now. "It's because we won't be validated in any other way, you absolute buffoon. It's the gits like you calling us evil when the only thing we're doing is proving ourselves worthy. We get what we want, no matter the consequences." 

     Who would've thought that Draco who hated me less than 2 months ago would be defending my name?

     He later told me not to worry about what Seamus said to me. I wasn't worrying about it, of course, but it made me feel ten times better hearing it from him.


     Draco and I were in our usual place at the library, doing some extra reading for fun as we had finished all of our school work when he suddenly slammed his book down and turned to face me.

     "Now that I think about it, I don't know much about the great life and adventures of the brilliant yet incredibly brainless Rosalind Esparay. Tell me more about yourself."

     Honestly, I've been wanting to tell him everything. Being a descendant of Merlin, the reason my parents died, what I've been doing for the past 15 years... the right moment just never arrived. Even if it did, there's no way I could tell him. He might go blabbing to his father and I don't want to think about what would happen to me.

     "My life is a complicated mess, honestly," I said, tucking back a loose strand of hair. "It's a story for another day."

     His smile faltered. He crossed his arms and rested them on his copy of a History of Magic and put his head down. Suddenly, he jerked his head back up and curved the corner of his mouth. "Then how about we go to Hogsmead on this "other day" that you speak of?"

     If this was his way of asking me out, it was pathetic. Still, I felt butterflies in my stomach when he said those words. 

     "I could spare one day to spend with you, I suppose. Don't make it a habit," I replied, doing my best imitation of Snape. He grinned wide, like a child.

     "Thank you for doing me such an honour, your majesty," he laughed, the smile not having faded away yet. "Is the next Saturday alright?"

     "Yes, it's perfect."


     "Well you look gleeful, what happened?"

     I caught up with Harry and Ron, having not talked to them in ages. I shook my head and slung my arms around their shoulders. "Nothing, boys. Nothing at all."

     I saw Hermione emerge from a corridor and walk over to us. She probably noticed the extra pip in my step, because she said, "What's got you all cheerful and content?"

     My eyes spoke for me as I gave her a look that said 'you know.' She suddenly realized what I had meant and gasped. "No way, he asked you out?"

     Ron and Harry turned quickly and began questioning me. Harry put his hand up and said, "Who's the lucky man we need to give the speech to?"

     Hermione stepped in and told them, "don't worry about it. It's none of your business."

     I squeezed her hand in a thankful manner, but Harry and Ron didn't get the hint. 

     "Was it Neville?"



     "Zabini?" Ron chuckled.

     "If I tell you, will you leave me alone?"

     The two boys shared a look and then turned back to face me. "Fine, I suppose."

     I took a deep breath and spilled it all out. 

     "It was Draco."

     They looked as though I had turned into Voldemort by the way they stared at me. "You're only joking, right? Harry, tell me she's joking - HERMIONE, YOU COULD REALLY DO US A FAVOUR BY DENYING THIS YOU KNOW," Ron practically screamed. Hermione just shrugged her shoulders and sighed. 

     "I didn't see what she saw in him at first either, but I fully trust Rose with her decision. You should, as well. It's not your life."

     "This is exactly why I never told you guys about how I felt about him. I knew you would react like this. Please don't be mad, at least try and understand," I begged.

     Harry's face did not show any signs of happiness, but I guess he knew he couldn't fight me much on this subject. "I'll try my best to stay out of his way, but let's just say we won't be going to tea parties anytime soon."

     "Harry, how are you okay with this? She's with MALFOY out of all people! Is this not - bloody hell, I give up. Rose, I know you're in Slytherin, but please just don't turn into them."

     I don't exactly know what that meant, but I shrugged it off for now. I waited until there was a bit of space between us when I started walking again. Hermione walked back and tried to comfort me. 

     "He'll come around eventually. He might not be in love with the idea at the moment, but he'll be okay with it sooner or later."

     I rested my head on her shoulder and sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. "I know, Mione. I know."

     I went to sleep that night without worrying, for once. I knew that the real danger was still out there, that at any moment Voldemort would find me and torture me until I gave in and became his follower, the black snaked imprinted onto my left forearm. 

     But somehow, it didn't seem as though I'd be having that problem for a while. 


Yes I did that okay you guys can all love me now

~ Kiana ur fav author ofcc

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