chapter twenty-six

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     When I woke up, I saw Rose staring up at me. I smiled at the girl and pulled her closer to me. "Were you watching me sleep?"

     "You looked so peaceful, I couldn't help it. Besides, your hair isn't perfect for once." She watched as a black owl flew towards us. It was my mother's. I took the letter from him and he flew to my bedpost. I opened the brown paper and read the black ink.

Dear Draco,

The Dark Lord requires a meeting with you and Rose as soon as you arrive back to the Manor. Do not say anything that would displease him. Give Rose my best and make the you two do not cause any trouble that would grab attention.

Stay safe.

Narcissa Malfoy

     Wonderful. Another meeting with You-Know-Who. I wrote back a response, telling my mother not to worry. I gave it to the owl and watched him fly off into the distance, until he could no longer be seen. Rose looked a bit worried and honestly, I couldn't blame her. I was too.

     "You don't think he's going to kill us, do you?" She asked in a quiet voice. 

     "Merlin no, Rose, he won't kill us. We're his best shot at killing Dumbledore and, well, you're an Esparay. He's not going to kill you."

     She nodded slowly and tied her hair back. "Yeah, you're right."

     "I always am." I kissed her forehead and got up to change into my robes, when I saw Theodore reading a book. I took a step back and stood at the head of his bed. "Do you ever sleep, Nott?"

     "No," he sarcastically replied without looking down from his book. Blaise also woke up, or so I thought. "Oh not you too, Zabini," Theo said.

     "I was awake this entire time. I can't believe the two of you haven't shagged yet, honestly. The tension's all there. Let me say, once you do end up doing it, it's going to be one hell of a -"

     "And I'm out of here," Rose said, stretching out the 'and.' She left the dorm and I turned back to Zabini, hitting his head.

     "I swear, Malfoy, that's all you know how to do."

     "Would you like me to prove you wrong?"

     He glared at me, attempting to throw a pillow my way. "And Rose calls me insufferable."

     I fixed the collar of my shirt and cuffed the sleeves as I hurried down the stairs. Rosalind came down as well, her hair smelling like vanilla again. I realized that it was the same smell as the amortentia and smiled to myself. She and Pansy were together again, talking about something I didn't really care much about. She stuck her tongue out at me and I fake pouted as we walked to Potions. 


     The day passed quicker than I had noticed, so when I realized that there was a considerable amount of time until we needed to be in our beds, I decided to suggest an idea to Rose. I found her sitting alone in the common room on a chair that I had practically claimed back in 2nd year. 

     "Rose, I have a suggestion."

     She looked up from where she sat and tilted her head, fixing her glasses. "Since when do you wear glasses?"

     "Since forever! They're only for reading at night, though. Anyway, what did you want to tell me?"

     "Well," I let out my hand for her to take and she stood up. "I was thinking that maybe we could go on a date tonight."

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