chapter fifty-eight

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Dedicated to @draccosluv for being the kindest person ever. Everyone go read her story it's so adorable I love it.


One year later

     The day I changed my last name from Esparay to Malfoy, the weather wasn't cooperating. We were at Clair de Lune beach, as Draco and I couldn't find a better place to get married than here. The sun was blocked by the clouds and as soon as we saw the lightening, we knew we were screwed. 

     This didn't matter. We set up some simple water resistant charms on everything except us. We wanted to remember this day, rain included. "Rose, you are the most gorgeous bride I've ever seen," said Pansy, making her way towards me. "How are you feeling?"

     "Nervous." I looked at myself in the mirror. "I'm getting married in less than twenty minutes. It doesn't seem real." After a year of planning for this day, it had to be perfect. We'd already been set back because of the rain, so nothing else could go wrong.

     I had ditched the idea of bridesmaids. If I ended up having them, it would just be Hermione. I wanted to have Pansy as one of them too, but that was when I had been planning on having Clara as my maid of honour. Pansy took that role, so we were left with just one bridesmaid. Same situation with Draco. The only person he felt should have a role as a groomsman was Theodore. We decided it was better to abandon that idea.

     Once I began walking to the platform, everything clicked into place. Draco was standing there with a smile, his eyes slowly beginning to tear up. I glanced to the front row. There were only two chairs, both of which were vacant. On each of the seats lay a piece of paper with the names of who they were intended for.

     Theodore Nott.

     Clara Robinson.

     It's been a year, yet not a single day goes by which I don't think about them. I got up to Draco, finally, and held his hands. "D'you reckon the rain symbolizes anything? Bad luck?" 

     "Bad luck? No. You and I, Rose, we're titanium"

     We had decided on a small wedding. Who would we invite, really? We didn't want to hire just anyone to officiate us, and so we decided on choosing one of our friends. Harry stood behind a stand, his black suit perfectly tailored, holding a stack of papers. Then, he threw them away behind him. He looked at Draco and I, but was still talking to the crowd.

     "I had planned on making a long speech about the wonders of love, but no words can describe the ups and downs of loving someone more than these two. For the 4 years that I've known Rosalind, she's been an incredible, amazing, and overall good person. She never judged anybody and despite being a Slytherin, was kind to me - sorry, Draco."

     Draco chuckled. "It's quite all right."

     "Draco Malfoy and I didn't have the perfect start to a friendship - it's actually been just over a year since we officially became friends. If there's one thing I've learned from Draco, it is that anyone can redeem theirselves, and that a beauty can really change a beast."

     I gazed into Draco's grey eyes and grinned childishly. "He's not wrong."

     "Anyway, I believe that's enough from me for now. If the bride and groom have any vows, now is the time to say them. Draco, you first."

     I was excited to hear what Draco had to say. He coughed to clear his throat and rubbed the side of his neck. "I don't want to marry you just because you're the first person I've had a real relationship with. I want to marry you for so many more reasons. I want to wake up beside you everyday, I want to make your days better, I want to make you feel like the princess you deserve to be treated like. I want you happy. You loved me even though I gave you a million reasons not to. You loved me when I was at my lowest point, and loved me even when the entire world was telling you not to."

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