chapter twenty-two

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     "So, Draco, I have an idea," I said, entering the empty common room loudly. I slammed the door with anger and sat beside him, crossing my arms and blowing a strand of hair off my face. Draco looked at me as if he was scared and raised an eyebrow.

     "What's your idea?"

     "How about instead of -" I lowered my voice, noticing Blaise and Pansy talking. They knew we were both Death Eaters, but they weren't aware of our task. "Instead of killing... Dumbledore, we kill bloody Potter."

     He scooted away from me, eyeing me warily. "Remind me to never get on your bad side, Esparay. Ever."

     Blaise waltzed in and opened his arms wide as if he was going to hug me. "So grand of you to join the Potter Hate Club! What set off your anger?"

     "It started when Ronald and Hermione and I went to the library to pick up a Transfiguration book..."


     The two of them had invited me to go with them to the library for a study session, Hermione needing me to help her tutor Ron. Harry had to meet with Dumbledore and they wanted to spend time with me, or something along the lines of that. 

     Time passed so quickly that it was now 5 in the afternoon and Harry had joined us. We sat at a table close to the front doors. "Guys, I have some more information on Voldemort. He and Slughorn were close, so I need to get closer to him as well. Did you know he was an orphan?"

     He rambled on and on about the Dark Lord and for once, I was paying attention to every detail he spoke of. If there was any way we were going to beat him at all, we needed all the information we could get.

     "I think Malfoy's up to something," Harry stated with confidence. I rolled my eyes and turned my head away, scoffing. "You can't be serious, Harry. Draco's not doing anything."

     "Really, Harry, I have to agree with Rose on this one," Ron added. "You're constantly watching Malfoy on the map, it gets bothersome. I like a nice chat before i go to bed."

     "No, it's not like before. This time... remember when we went to Madame Malkin's shop and he tugged at his left forearm?"

     They know.

     "He's one of them. That's got to be it."

     They know.

     "Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater."

     They know. 

     I mean, they're taking a guess, but they're onto us. Hermione noticed my body go stiff and snapped in front of my eyes. "See, Harry? She's in shock now. Rosalind, I don't think Draco's a Death Eater."

     Harry cut in. "His father -"

     "I know very well what his father is, Harry," I snapped rudely. I blinked my eyes several times and fixed my ruffled blouse. "Sorry, didn't mean to come off so harshly. We're not Death Eaters."

     I just said 'we.'

     Ron stared at me, confused. "He never said anything about you being a Death Eater."

     Shit. "No, I know, what I meant was that none of the current Slytherins are Death Eaters. I would know, trust me," I lied, looking at the ground

     "And how, exactly, would you know?" Harry asked.

     "I've been running from them my whole life, you'd think I'd have learned a thing or two about spotting them," I covered up. I realized my mistake, but it was too late. 

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