chapter forty

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     No less than 2 weeks after Dumbledore's death, the Death Eaters had started attacking the ministry. I found out from a Daily Prophet article someone had left lying around. "I didn't think they'd do it right now," Draco said quietly. "I thought they'd wait for at least another month before they did that."

     Honestly? I didn't know what to respond with. Things were getting worse by the second and anyone with eyes could see it.

     I sat down on the island counter in his kitchen while he made us breakfast. I read the paper over and over again hoping I would see Harry or Hermione's name, something to tell me that they were still alive.

     For all I knew, they were dead.

     From the corner of my eye, I watched as Draco placed a pan onto his stove and brought some water to a boil. After reading the article for a quiet couple of minutes, I closed the pages and put it beside me on the table. "Do you think the war will last longer than a couple weeks?"

     It was a silly question. I knew, of course, that there was no way it would only last a couple weeks. Draco pinched the bridge of his nose as he replied tiredly, "Yeah." He took out two plates and I got off the counter, sitting on a chair as we ate. "I heard my father telling my mother about how Dolohov is going to be appointed Head of Aurors as soon as they get Scrimgeour. Pius is going to be the minister, probably."

     My stomach feel uneasy as soon as he told me that. I picked up my fork and stabbed at my food, but my appetite was gone. "They'll go after the Muggleborns first, then the 'Blood-Traitors,' won't they?" 

     "Yes, they will."

     The memory of the letters I had received suddenly hit me, and I guessed that Draco may know something about them. "Draco, you do know anyone who's name starts with C that would know me and write to me?"

     He thought about it for a couple moments, but shook his head. "I don't. Is there something bothering you?"

     "No, it's all right."

     We were both very obviously stressed out over nothing. Lucius walked in just as I finished my cup of tea and walked behind me. I wasn't as scared of him as I used to be, but I still wasn't feeling too comfortable when I was around Draco's father.

     I realized that it wasn't because he was a Death Eater, it was because I wanted to impress him, somehow. "Who's ring is that?" Lucius asked, staring at the ring I had wore every day since Draco had awaken that day in the hospital wing. He picked the silver up and looked between Draco and I. "Draco, don't tell me you proposed to the girl already," he said menacingly.

     "What does it matter to you if I did?"


     "It's not an engagement ring, calm down."

     Although they were whispering, I could hear everything they said. Lucius looked me up and down and then turned back to Draco. "It's okay if you do it some day in the future. Just not now."

     He then left the room, leaving Draco and I confused by the interaction. I snickered, and he reached up and out of his chair forward to playfully slap my arm. "I hate you, Rose."

     I got up and walked over so that we were standing face to face and I put my arms around his neck. "Even when I do this?"

     I kissed him and for a second, it was almost like nothing bad was in the world. I pulled back and stared into his grey eyes. He pressed his nose to mine and smiled. "No, I tend to love you when you do that."

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