chapter fifty-seven: the war, part 6

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     Harry Potter scrambled up from the ground. He needed my wand more than I did, honestly. I could just borrow my mothers's wand again. Around us, Death Eaters were disapparating. Before I knew what I was doing, I had let go of Rose's hand an was running from one side of the courtyard to the other, chucking my wand and the boy who lives. "POTTER!"

     He caught it in time and for a moment, he grinned at me. Voldemort was so caught up in trying to defeat Harry that he didn't kill me on the spot then and there, thankfully. As I walked back my Rose and my family, I saw her mouth wide open and her eyes were popping out of her head. "You just did that."

     "Yeah," I confirmed, shocked at myself. "I just did that."

     Voldemort screamed in fury and I just knew we had won this war, that very soon, Voldemort would be gone. The battle had resumed.

     Spells ripped through the air all around us and with Rose's hand in mine, we ran across the yard to the others. Her head turned to face me. "What were you thinking Draco? He's going to come for you next."

     "I just wanted to have done one thing in my life correctly, okay? Besides, Potter's going to win this."

     "How can you be sure?"

     I smirked down at her. "Are you not?"

     She was at a loss for words, but the smile on her mouth was enough reassurance. "Come on, we've got a war to win." I leaned down to kiss her but saw my parents walking aggressively towards us. 

     "Draco, we need to go." my father started.

     "I'm not leaving," I said hastily. "Not until this battle is over."

     "You're leaving your family for a girl? I told you, she's not worth it," he said, staring straight at Rosalind who had her head down.

     "And I told you, she's more of a family to me than you'll ever be."

     "Don't start with me, Draco, I'm not in the mood to argue -"

     "Oh please, Lucius, he loves her. Let him go. The ring proves it, it was bound to happen some day," my mother jutted in, holding Rose's hand up to show my father her ring. His face was contorted, but he sighed and shook his head.

     "When will we see you two again?" he tiredly asked.

     I smiled at Rose and she did the same. "Soon enough," we both said. I hugged my mother one last time and nodded at my father before leaving to fight again.



     "Clara!" I shouted. "Oh, there you are! I thought you -"

     Someone had shot a spell at me. I wasn't dead, so I guessed I was just paralyzed momentarily. I fell to the ground in a swift motion and Clara kneeled beside me. Draco face went white and he held me in his arms. "Oh, don't worry. She's fine." She pointed her wand at me, saying, "Finite Incantatem."

     I could move again and Draco looked so relieved. "Rose, you idiot."

     Clara, still kneeling down, looked around us with a worried look. "My question is why didn't they kill you on the spot? Why did they just stun you? The Death Eaters aren't suddenly showing mercy so why -"

     I don't know how or when it happened, but a sharp, silver dagger cut through the air and flew into Clara's chest. The world stopped as she gasped, touching the blood around the wound with sad eyes. She fell backwards and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breath.

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