chapter twenty-five

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     "God damn it, Draco, if you were any slower I think we'd both be sent to Azkaban in a heart beat."

     I felt despicable for doing this. My stomach twisted and I constantly felt like I was going to puke. Draco hovered his hand above a bottle of mead and slowly poured in the poison. His face was worried, and his hand was shaking. I stepped beside him and took the vial of poison into my hands, pushing Draco slightly away from the mead. I poured the remainder of the poison myself and glanced at Draco, who was still shaken.

     "I'll Imperio Madam Rosmerta, but you need to keep an eye out so that no one sees me."

     "I can do that."

     I tapped his back. "Thank you." I began walking away, then I stopped, starting to laugh. 

     "Rose, I don't see what's so funny about having to curse someone, then killing the bloody headmaster."

     "It's not that I'm laughing at," I said. "Since when did our normal everyday conversation go from wondering what the Herbology homework was to plotting a murder?"

     "I'm baffled as to why you're laughing about it, but you're cute so it's okay," He replied. I grabbed the bottle of mead and walked away, shaking my head. "What, I don't get a compliment back?"

     "You're absolutely insufferable, Malfoy."


     Weeks had past since I gave Madam Rosmerta the bottle of mead to later give to Slughorn, who would then give to Dumbledore. It was now the night of Professor Slughorn's famous Slug Club party, and I had no one to go with. Blaise had been taking Pansy, so that left me with only one other option. Harry Potter. However, he was going with Luna Lovegood, so that left me alone. I decided not to go at all, instead spending time on the cabinet we hadn't worked on in weeks. 

     Blaise and Pansy left the Slytherin common room just as I was about to knock on Draco's door. "Ready?"

     "Yeah, let's go."

      The Room of Requirement opened it's doors when we arrived at the seventh floor and we entered, finding the cabinet sitting there as it had many weeks ago. We worked on it in silence, neither of us wanting to start a conversation at this time. We tested several products to see what would happen, but once we had put the green apple in, we stopped. It disappeared, and then reappeared with a bite taken out of it.

     It was at eight o'clock when we took the time into account and decided that it was in both our best interests to head back. I told him to go without me, as I needed to take something from the library. 

     I entered and took a book from the restricted section about dark objects and the repair process, when I decided that Slughorn would probably know more about this. Reluctantly, I strode off back to the Slytherin common room to change my clothing and go to the party he had been throwing. I quickly put on a dress, fixed my hair with a spell and walked quickly out of the common room and to the party. 

     I entered and searched for the old man. I greeted Professor Slughorn, taking a picture with him with a flash that was way too bright. 

     "Very nice to see you, Rosalind! Glad you came."

     "Thank you, professor, I had a question about -"

     "One moment, dear," he said, going to aid another student. I saw Harry follow Hermione behind a curtain and searched for Ron to guide him to them, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I went behind the curtain while I waited Slughorn to finish his conversation with another student so that I could ask my question. 

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