chapter eleven

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     My year at Hogwarts is almost finished. In less than two weeks, I would be going home. It  meant time away from Pansy, Theo, Blaise, Daphne, Millicent, and Theo, but at least I could be with my grandmother. 

     I was taking my O.W.L. exam for Defence Against the Dark Arts, the room so silent you could hear a pin drop if it weren't for the scribbling of quills. And then, I heard a booming noise in the distance.

     It obviously wasn't just me, because some other students turned their heads to see what was going on. It got louder and louder. Umbridge walked down the middle of the room and headed towards the doors. 

     She creaked open the doors and a small spark buzzed around her face. It entered into the room and set off a couple fireworks - none of dared to say anything.

     It was silent for many moments until suddenly, the Weasley twins flew in on their broomsticks, yelling with happiness and sending sparks of colour all around the room. Everyone got up and started clapping, even the Slytherins. 

     It's safe to say that Professor Umbridge was absolutely horrified. I heard Fred shout something to George, and then a cylindrical figure was thrown into the air, later sending out a dragon-shaped firework heading straight for Umbridge.

     She ran away from it and into the corridor, but just as she did, every single one of her stupid educational decrees fell to the ground, the glass shattering. The twins flew out of the castle into the sky, and all of us followed. They were cheers and shouts of joy and a big orange 'W' in the sky.

     It was so exciting that almost no one noticed Harry faint. I wasn't on the best terms with him but there was no way I was going to leave him there like that. No body was noticing so I finally called out, "Granger, Harry's not well!"

     She immediately ran to him alongside Ron and they picked him up by the shoulders. He regained his balance and starting speaking to them in a rush. I let them figure out whatever was happening themselves.


I put my things back into my bag and went to go to the Great Hall when Draco stopped me. 

     "Rose, you won't believe it. Umbridge caught them trying to speak with Dumbledore through her fireplace - he'll be expelled this time -"

     "Draco, what's happening?" I asked.

     "You'll see. Come!"

     We ran to Umbridge's office and saw Harry sitting in a chair. Goyle had Hermione, and Crabbe had Ron. Snape entered the office.

     "You called for me, Professor?" he said in a low voice.

     "Snape. Yes. Did you bring the Veritaserum?" she asked in an obnoxiously high pitched tone.

     "Unfortunately, you used up all of it interrogating students, the last of which being Ms Chang. Now, unless you wish to poison Potter, and I would have the utmost sympathy if you do, I cannot help you."

     Harry turned to face Snape. "He's got Padfoot," he shouted. "He's got Padfoot in the place where it's hidden."

     We may not be friends at the moment, but we were before. I understood what this meant, they had told me all about it - well, nothing about the place where it's hidden, but I knew who Padfoot was. Draco nudged my arm, wondering how I knew. I shook it off.

     "Padfoot? What's Padfoot?"

     Snape turned around. "No idea," he said.

     "Well then, Potter, I guess we'll have to use rather harsh methods, now won't we."

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