chapter twenty-three

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     We were back at Hogsmead now, enjoying butterbeers and talking about our days. Draco was standing in the corner, constantly looking over from where I was standing back to the door looking for a capable person to hand over the necklace to Dumbledore. We packaged it into it's box using our wands so that we wouldn't touch it directly, not wanting the effects of the curse to impact us first. 

     Someone had finally come in who Draco had thought would be the most able to give the necklace to, and his eyes averted to me to see if I agreed with him. I nodded my head as he followed her into the bathroom.

     "Oh bloody hell," Ron complained while he adjusted his seat. He was looking at Ginny and Dean Thomas sitting beside each other holding hands. Hermione and Harry glanced back, too, Harry's gaze lingering for a couple more moments. "Slick git."

     "Honestly, Ronald, they're only holding hands," Hermione said, defending Ginny. I looked back at the couple again, and saw that they were now snogging. Hermione looked away with her head down in embarrassment. "And snogging."

     "I'd like to leave," Ron stated. Hermione scoffed. 

     "What? You can't be serious."

     "That happens to be my sister!"

     "So?" She looked over at the table and back at Ron. "What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? Would you expect her to leave?"

     Harry and I looked at each other wondering why Hermione would even give such a specific example. I looked back at Hermione with a smile yet still confused and she looked away. 

     Slughorn started coming towards us and Harry straightened his posture. "Hey, my boy." Harry stood up and shook the professor's hand. "Hello, sir. Wonderful to see you."

     "And you, and you!"

     "So, what brings you here?" Harry asked.

     "Oh, the Three Broomsticks and I go way back, furthur than I care to admit. I remember when it was One Broomstick!" Slughorn joked. I let out a laugh, not being sure why as the joke wasn't exactly that funny. Harry also chuckled. "Listen, my boy, in the old days I used to throw together the occasional supper party, for the select student or two. Would you be game?"

     "I'd consider it an honour, sir," Harry responded. I looked over at the doors and saw Draco leave, glancing my way and flashing a sad smile. I raised my eyebrows, silently asking if he had taken care of what we agreed on. He responded with a nod and closed the door behind him. 

     "You'd be welcome too, Granger. And you as well, Esparay."

     I focused back on the conversation and blinked. "I'd love to, sir."

     Hermione wiped some butterbeer off her face and said, "I'd be delighted."

     "Splendid," Slughorn said with a grin. "Look for my owl! Good to see you, Wallenby. " He parted from our table and returned to the other professors. 

     "What are you playing at," Ron asked.

     "Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him."

     "Get to know him?"

     "Don't know. Must be important. If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask."

     The four of us got up and headed out of the Three Broomsticks and started heading back to Hogwarts. I kept an eye out for Draco, not wanting him to get himself into any more trouble. I didn't see him, though, and assumed he had already gone back to the common room. 

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