chapter fifteen

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     You know that feeling when you hear from someone you haven't heard from in a while? That was what it was like to get a letter from Draco. He had written back after weeks. It was August, now, and school would be starting in less than a month.

My dear Rose,

I would first like to sincerely apologize for my behaviour that day at Diagon Alley. I truly hope you had a nice birthday and wish you the best. With my father being back inAzkaban, my mother has been rather distraught. I've been caught up problems beyond compare. I ask of you not to be angry with my lack of response. I look forward to seeing you soon - is later today all right? Diagon Alley? 

I hope you're well,

Draco Malfoy

     I read over the letter several times. I was still a slight bit iriitated with him, but I wanted to give him a chance to explain first. There has to be a reason he stopped contacting me altogether. I wrote back, telling him that today would be fine. We settled on a time.

     However, it wasn't at Diagon Alley that we met again, it was right outside of my house. And way before our planned time. It was me who opened the door, thankfully. I stepped outside and silently closed the door.

     "Draco, is everything all right? Are you feeling well?"

     "I'm fine, Rose," he said, his once cold eyes returning to warmth, and his voice having emotion once again. 

     However, the happy expression on his face turned into worry when I heard the door open behind me, revealing my grandmother.

     "Rosalind Esparay, get inside. Now."

     I shamefully headed back inside, but Draco held onto my arm. "Rose, please, I only need a moment."

     "Malfoy, I need you to let go of Rosalind before I turn to more aggressive methods."

     But with less than a second's time, he apparated me into what I thought was Malfoy Manor. 


     "Hello, Rosalind. Draco's told me all about you," drawled the voice of Bellatrix Lestrange. I panicked at the sight of her, but then realized what she had said. I turned to Draco. 

     "What do you mean Draco's told you all about me?"

     "Nothing, dearest, only of who you parents were, and about your ancestry," she cackled, messing up her frizzed curly hair.

     My heart felt as though it had sunk into my stomach. Draco had told her. I glared at him. "You promised."

     "Rose I -"

     "You promised, Draco."

     "Please, let me explain this to you."

     I stepped away from him so that he wouldn't be able to reach me. Bellatrix laughed. "Awh, are the lovebirds having an argument? Don't be shy, Esparay. You'll soon learn that we're fighting for the right cause."

     "Rose, come with me. I need to tell you everything."

     I was so angry with him, I think looking at Voldemort would've been a safer option. But, still, I knew that deep down he was still the same Draco I fell for, which is the only reason I said, "Fine."

     We went to his room which was exactly as I had imagined it. A dark grey covered the walls, his very large bed having a deep green cover. There were green and black accents everywhere.

     Of course.

     Draco sat on his bed and motioned for me to do the same. He put his hands into his head and sighed deeply. "You deserve to know what happened."



     "You deserve to know what happened."

     She looked at me as if I was vermin. "You're correct. I do. I deserve to know how badly you fucked up this time, Draco. I trusted you with that information! You promised not to tell anyone. You promised to not get me involved."

     I could hear the hurt in her voice. I placed my hands on my lap and faced her, my eyes glossed with tears. "They used Veritaserum on me."

     Rose looked surprised. "They... what? Why would they do that?"

     "My mother accidentally let it slip that there was a girl I was happy to see, the day I saw you in Diagon Alley. They wanted to know more, but I just told them you were a friend. They didn't believe me, so they put a couple drops of the potion into my drink."

     "Draco, who's they?"

     My gaze fell to the floor. I didn't want her to hate me more than she already did. "Draco. Tell me you didn't tell him." I looked back to her teared up face. "I can't say that."

     She put a hand over her mouth, but her eyes did all the talking. I hugged her because I couldn't stand seeing her in pain. The girl who was usually happy and cheerful. 

     I expected her to reject or push me back, but she did quite the opposite and wrapped her arms around me.

     "What am I going to do?"

     "I don't know, Rose. I don't know." I placed my face on the top of her head. "There's something else I need to show you."

     I put my hand on my left wrist and tugged at the fabric. She put her hand on mine and looked into my eyes, her beautifully brown eyes slightly puffed up and red. She knew where this was going.

     I pulled up my left sleeve and showed her the mark forever placed on my forearm. She quietly gasped, looking as though she was afraid of it. Contrary to my belief, she brushed her fingers against it and proceeded to hug me once again. "Are you angry with me, darling?"

     She sniffled. "What's done is done. It wasn't something you could control. Besides, it's hard to be mad at you."

     I smiled as I looked into her eyes, knowing one thing for certain; she was my soulmate. Only she would be able to forgive me after being told that I told the Dark Lord her secrets, and that I was a Death Eater. Suddenly, she stood up, pacing back and forth through my room.

     "What's on your mind?" I asked.

     "My grandmother. What's going to happen to her? She doesn't know what has happened."

     "Your grandmother is a smart woman. She wouldn't have stayed at your house, she's certainly somewhere else."

     "Hopefully far away," she added. I nodded, and heard a knock on the door.

     My mother entered the room and looked at the pair of us. "Draco, dear, Rosalind needs to come downstairs. He wishes of her presence."

     She was scared, certainly - hell, I was scared for her too. She began following my mother out the door, but I latched onto her wrist. "Rose, whatever happens, you won't go through it alone. Never will you have to do anything alone, okay? I'll be there for everything." 

     I placed my lips against hers and brought her downstairs.

     Still frightened by the horrible sound of the Dark Lord, I shuddered when I heard him speak.

     "Hello, Rosalind Esparay. Wonderful to finally meet you."



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