chapter two

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     The first step onto the train released a bunch of new and different emotions in me. It didn't particularly feel weird, it just felt foreign. A million thoughts were swimming inside my head, but one of the most prominent ones was where can I sit for this goddamn train ride.

     I knew all about Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Seriously, who wouldn't. But I had never expected him to smile at me and invite my into the cabin he had been sharing with his two friends - one definitely being a Weasley.

     The compartment door opened and I greeted them. Harry spoke first, asking, "you're new, right? I don't think I've ever seen you around. I'm-"

     "Harry Potter, I know. I'm Rosalind Esparay, but please just call me Rose." Harry gave me a small smile and I turned to face the other two students sitting in Gryffindor robes. "What are your names?"

     I was right, the tall boy was in fact a Weasley. I shook his hand and looked at the girl whose hair looked much like my own when I was younger.

     "I'm Hermione Granger. I hope you get sorted into Gryffindor, we'd love to keep you around."

     This could either turn out to be a year that I learn magic like a normal student, or it could fall into flames.

     Considering the luck I've had, I'm going to go with the latter.


     I stood with the first years waiting to be sorted. Dumbledore explained to the students why I was just now being sorted. McGonagall motioned for me to come sit on the stool, but my legs were numb. I walked ever so slowly towards the sorting hat, genuinely not knowing where it would place me. Slytherin would be an honour, in the memory of my ancestors, but it would put me in the most danger. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw seemed like good choices, and Gryffindor was an absolute no.

     I love the people from that house, but it's the fact that I would be around Harry Potter most of the time that made me despise that house. The sorting house was placed on my head for less than a second when it exclaimed, "Slytherin!"

     If I thought the numb feeling in my legs were bad, this was so much worse. I sat up and headed towards the Slytherin table, but my body was moving almost robot-like.

     I finally sat onto the bench as the feast popped up, but I couldn't think about food when I had just been placed in a house full of the children of death eaters. Especially Draco Malfoy

     It's okay, Rose. Try a little bit harder. Focus on your studies. Don't let him get to you.

     I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a handsome, dark Italian wearing a ring with the Slytherin symbol crested onto it. He asked, "So what's the deal with you, brownie?"

     I looked up at him with wide eyes, soon turning into a glare. "Don't ever call me that again. All you need to know, you blubbering idiot, is that my name is Rosalind Esparay and that you shouldn't mess with me."

     That was a lie. Even if he did mess with me, I couldn't do much without putting myself at risk. I felt a small nudge and saw a girl with similar features as mine looking at me. "You truly are a Slytherin, Esparay. I respect you."

     "Thanks?" I replied. I shouldn't be getting too involved.

     But then again, I cant exactly go these next couple years with no friends from my house, which was the only reason I said, "Hey, I didn't catch your name."

     "Pansy Parkinson. Nice to meet you." I gave a small nod and looked towards the end of the table where I saw the one person I was trying to avoid.

     Draco Malfoy.

     He was looking at me almost curiously, as if he wanted to know more. I shut him out and focused on the food in front of me.


     Pansy showed me where the common room was and I had to admit - it was like the inside of a palace. The walls were silver, the furniture being a rich green with black tints. The most beautiful fireplace sat beside the entrance, which left my mouth slightly parted. Pansy noticed and smirked towards me.

     "It's the luxury life. Are you a pureblood, Esparay? I could've sworn I've heard your name somewhere."

     I nervously glanced at my feet, worried that any response I give would sell me out. In a rush I just said, "I'm a pureblood but I don't think my name's been anywhere other than in my Hogwarts letter, Parkinson. I wouldn't worry too much. It is a really nice place, though, the Slytherin common room." I prayed that she wasn't still thinking about my last name and continued, "when I heard that it was in the dungeons I expected something like a slimy, damp room that reeked."

     I saw a smile play onto her lips and I visibly relaxed.

     "I think we're going to be great friends, Esparay. You'll soon learn that some wizarding families are better than others - that's what Malfoy always said."

     I knew I didn't belong in Slytherin. By blood, of course I did. But by heart? 

     Or, maybe, I did.

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