James pulls out a weird looking skirt. "Violet, this is so you!"
Wait, is it even a skirt?
"I do not wear stuff like that." She tries to defend her wardrobe.
"Yes, you do." James laughs.
"I do not." She smacks his arm.
"This is something she would wear. Right Jayda?" he asks me.
I shake my head and put my hands up. "Oh, no. I'm staying out of it."
"Are you gonna get something?" Violet asks me.
"I don't know. If I do, though, it won't be from here." I look around the colorful boutique store. There are so many colors and nothing black insight.
"We've been here for like two hours, are you guys almost done?" I groan.
"First of all, it's been thirty minutes," he corrects me. "And no, we are not. Fashion can't be rushed. It's an art,"
I groan louder.
"Why don't you go get a pretzel or something?" He suggests.
"I'll go do that." I stand up from that uncomfortable chair and exit the boutique.
I turn right and head down the escalator to the food court. I see a few familiar faces in the crowd—some kids from school. I don't want a pretzel now that I think about it. I think I'll get a coffee. I turn in a different direction and into Starbucks.
I love how it smells here. I love the way coffee smells in general. I haven't had coffee in forever. If I'm addicted to anything, it's definitely coffee.
"Next." The cashier says.
"Hi, I'll have a Grande Caramel frappe with extra caramel."
He types my order in "That'll be 5.22".
I reach into my back pocket, and before I can grab one of the $100 bills my dad gave me, an arm comes around me and swipes a card. I look up to see Ryder.
"What are you—" I turn back to the cashier. "Uh, can you decline that? I wanna pay with cash," I tell him.
"No problem." The boy says.
Ryder then takes his card and swipes it again. I look up at him, and he has this mischievous smile on his face.
I turn back to the boy behind the register. "You know what? I'm okay." I turn and walk out of Starbucks. I'm walking fast, trying to get away from him. Before I know it, he grabs my wrist. Again and pulls me towards him.
"Woah, Woah, Woah, slow down there." He says.
"Let go of me," I growl.
"What are you doing here?" He asks with my wrist still in his grasp.
I narrow my eyes at him. "Uh, it's a mall; I'm shopping obviously."
"You here alone?" He looks around.
"Uhh, no."
"I hope you're not here with that Caleb guy."
"No, I'm not. And if I was, that's none of your business." I state. "Why do you care?" I look up at him. He looks down at me.
"So who are you here with?" He ignores my question.
"Violet and James," I say.
He laughs. "The bitch who can't dress and the fag."
I gasp at his disgusting words. "What is wrong with you?" I yell and push him back.
"What do you mean?" He says.

You're Not Enough
Teen FictionThe first installment of the "Enough Series" follows Jayda King a seventeen year old girl with a broken soul. She returns home from spending six months in a mental health facility because of a failed suicide attempt. The facility helped none, she st...