I reread my written thoughts for the 3rd time. I can feel the warm tears falling from my eyes and rolling down my face. I rip the paper out of the book and ball it up. I stand up from the seat of the plane."Where is the bathroom?" I ask the flight attendant.
"Back there." She points. I walk past her and head to where she directed me. I open the door and enter the bathroom. It's even bigger than my bathroom at home. Surely this is another perk of being in first class; after looking around, I spot a trash can beside the sink. I walk over and toss my crumpled paper into the trash. I turn towards the sink and run the water. Then, I cup my hands and let the water fill. I splash the water on my face, allowing the cold water to freeze off all the shame I know is on there. I grab a paper towel out of the dispenser and pat my face dry. My bun has now fallen, and my thick curls are all over the place. I take my black scrunchy off my wrist, pull my hair to the top of my head and then twist it into a bun. I look at myself one more time in the mirror. My eyes are red from the crying, and they're a little swollen. Hopefully, my parents won't notice. If they ask about it, I'll just say allergies.
I sigh and walk towards the bathroom door, opening it. The door opens and hits someone. They let out a wincing sound. When I move from behind the door, I see who I hit. The boy's head is tilted back. He has one black pair of jeans and a grey collared shirt. He is holding his nose with his thumb and index finger. He looks like he's in pain.
"Oh my god. Are you okay?" I say frantically. "I am so sorry. Is it broken?" I can't even open a freaking door without hurting someone, I can't do anything right.
He sniffs and leans his head forward. "No, I think I'm fine." He says. I immediately notice his British accent.
"Are you sure?" I look at his grey buttoned-down shirt making sure there's no blood on it. There's no blood anywhere, so I must not have done too much damage.
"Really, I'm fine." He smiles. "Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've been hit in the face with a door by a girl." he laughs.
I smile back at him for a little too long. I snap myself out of my too long of a gaze. "Well, uh, sorry again," I move out of his way and head back to my seat. As I get closer to the seats, I see that my parents are speaking to two people who are across from them, sitting in my seat.
When I walk up to them, they are all laughing. "Hey," I say.
My mother stops laughing. "Hey, sweetie. Um, this is Phil and Jess Hews," she says.
I look towards the couple. They look older than my parents but not too old. The woman has shoulder-length brunette hair and is wearing a black and white polka dot dress and flat red shoes. Her husband has brown skin. His hair is black, with spots of grey showing on the side. He has on a black suit and a white shirt.
"Nice to meet you," I say respectfully, even though I'm mad that they are in my seat. It's weird standing up knowing we are not on the ground but in the sky.
"This is the baby girl that you had?" Carol asks.
"Yes." My mother answers with a bright smile on her face.
"Well, she isn't a baby anymore." My father jokes.
"Your beautiful dear." The woman says to me.
"Thank you."
Phil asks them "Is this your only one?"
"Yes, one is enough." My father says. The bright smile my mother once slowly fades away, she looks down and then back up.
"Do you think you'll ever have more?" Carol asks.
My mother opens her mouth to say something. But my father speaks before her saying "Maybe, but right now, we're just trying to get this one to college in one piece."

You're Not Enough
Teen FictionThe first installment of the "Enough Series" follows Jayda King a seventeen year old girl with a broken soul. She returns home from spending six months in a mental health facility because of a failed suicide attempt. The facility helped none, she st...