Chapter 67

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"Fuck! We've been walking forever." Ryder complains again for the 6th time from behind me.

"We've been walking for six minutes, and you didn't have to come."

He speeds up beside me. "Well, if you would've told me where you were going and how long it was going to take, maybe I wouldn't have come."

I notice the sign ahead.

Crimson Bookstore.

I walk up to it and open the door. "I walked all this way for a fucking bookstore," Ryder shouts.

I turn around, still holding onto the door. "Shhhhh." I try to quiet him. Hopefully, no one heard him. He grabs the door from out of my hands. I turn around and walk-in. I look around the store. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. The rows of books go back. There must be thousands of them. My stomach gets fluttery at the sight.

A Muslim girl appears out of one of the aisles she has on a black headwrap, covering her hair. As she gets close, I notice how the black headwrap complements her brown eyes, "Hi, I'm Adeela," she says.

"Jayda." I reach out to shake her hand. "You have a beautiful name," I tell her.

"Thank you, It means equal," she tells me.

I nod my head, "Cool."

"So, what are you guys looking for?" She asks.

"He's not looking for anything, and I'm just going to look around."

"Ok." she smiles and says, "Just let me know if you need anything."

"I will thank you."


It's been about thirty minutes; I have picked up two books, one mystery and one science fiction. Ryder hasn't said anything, surprisingly. He's just been following behind me, watching me, it's creepy, but it's better than him nagging.

"Why do you like books so much?" Ryder askes me, breaking his silence.

"Umm, there's a lot of reasons," I tell him.

"Like?" he presses more.

"I never really liked my life, so when I read books, it took me out of my reality and put me there, into the lives of different characters."

He doesn't respond; he just watches me as I move down the aisle. "How many books do you think you've read?" He asks and leans his back against the shelf.

I stop walking and examine the books on the middle shelf beside him. "I don't know. A lot, too many to keep up with."

He turns around and grabs a book on the shelf. "Have you read this?" I look at the book he is holding.

"Jane Eyre. Who hasn't ." I walk down the aisle some more.

"How about this?" He pulls another book off the shelf; I look back at him to see what book he's holding.

"Twilight. Of course."

He smacks his teeth. He pulls out another book. "This one?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Emma by Jane Austen. I heard of it, but I've never read it." I stop looking on the shelves. I walk to him and take the book out of his hand. I have been meaning to read this. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. There's not a book of hers I do not like, so I know I will like this one.

"Your welcome." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Well, now that you've found me something, I'll find you something," I say to him.

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