"The poem I chose was Miss Me But Let Me Go by Cristiana Rossetti; I really like this poem because it's not sad. Death is already a sad topic, and those three poems we read this week were really depressing and dark." Cheryl says. "So I choose this poem because it's about death but a happy death. Death is a terrible thing; it's a painful and hurtful thing; sometimes, people die because they mourn so much over other people who died. They are so broken-hearted by their death that they themselves die. I read this poem at my grandfather's funeral, and it really helped me let go. Every time I start to feel overly sad about his death, I pull out this poem and read it." She switches the papers in her hand.
"It reads
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me.
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room.
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little but not too long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me-but let me go
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone.
It's all part of the Master's plan
A step on the road to home
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
Miss me but let me go."
She folds the paper down and then goes back to the previous paper. My grandfather and I were very close. He was my best friend. I know that this is how he would want me to feel. He would want me to miss him, but let him go."
Mr.Brooks claps his hands loudly, applauding her. Others clap to. "Amazing, wonderful. That is how you earn an A." Mr.Brooks says to the class. He gets up from the empty desk he was sitting in. He walks over and places his hand on her back. "That was really beautiful, Cheryl," She smiles and walks back to her seat. "Let's see who can top that," Brooks says. He digs in the cup. And pulls out another stick.
"Mr.Adams," he calls. The football players laugh at their captain's name being called.
"I'm good," Ryder says.
"Well, it's really not an option," Mr.Brooks fires back.
"Well, you really can't fucking make me get up," Ryder growls.
"Well, that's an F.," Mr.Brooks bluntly replies.
Ryder shrugs his shoulders and says, " I don't give a fuck!"
"Ryder," Ashely says, trying to get him to calm down.
"Get out!" Mr.Brooks demands. Ryder grabs his black notebook and walks out of the class, slamming the door shut. Mr.Brooks takes a deep breath. "Let's continue."
"You coming to lunch?" Violet asks me
"Yeah, later, I have to stop at the counselor's suite first," I tell her.
"Alright." She says and walks away.
I close my locker and head down the hall as I walk down the crowded hallway. My vision gets a little blurry, and I start to feel a little dizzy. It feels like I am tilting.

You're Not Enough
أدب المراهقينThe first installment of the "Enough Series" follows Jayda King a seventeen year old girl with a broken soul. She returns home from spending six months in a mental health facility because of a failed suicide attempt. The facility helped none, she st...