Chapter 99

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(Okay there's  a girl named raven you'll see her later I changed her name she was Rachel at first shes the girl Ryder had yk with in the woods.)

I'm sitting at the back of the bus by myself. I have never been to Harrison Prep before; I don't know much about it, only that it's a boarding school, and the kids who go there are really rich. I mean richer than some of the kids at Crossland. I also heard that most of the kids who go here aren't even from Crossland, PA, there from all over. When my parents were trying to decide what high school to send me to, Harrison Prep was somewhere they were considering. I didn't go because my parents felt as though they would never see me if they sent me away to a boarding school, which didn't make much sense. After all, they never saw me anyway.

Another reason was that my father said that he would rather me go to Crossland High for free than to send me to Harrison Prep for thousands of dollars for four years when four years later, he would have to pay thousands of dollars more for me to go to college.

I believe that reason more than the first one.

The kids at this school are also considered Elite; at Crossland, we have a few, Ryder, Ashely, and their whole crew. But from what Katie has told me, The kids at Crossland are nothing compared to Harrison. I'm so glad they didn't send me here.

I take out my phone and call my father. The line rings and rings, and then he answers. "Hello"

"Hey Jay," he says calmly.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Back at home."

"Oh, What time did you get in last night?" I ask him.

"Uh, pretty late, you were sleeping when I came in." he lies.

"Oh?" I can't believe he's lying to me.

"I came in the room to check on you," he adds, digging the hole deeper for himself. "Where are you?"

"On the way to the robotics competition." The one you were supposed to be at.

"Oh, that was today!" He forgot, of course.

"Yeah, it is, I uh have to go. I'll talk to you later." I quickly hang up the phone. I can't believe he lied to me; why is he lying? Why couldn't he tell me where he was? I can't think of someplace he could be that he couldn't tell me. Wait, maybe he was at the bar, perhaps that's where he was. He couldn't tell me because he promised he wouldn't drink anymore. Perhaps I should tell my mother; I haven't talked to her in a couple of days; I'll give her a call later when I get home.

The bus pulls up in front of the school. It's huge, even bigger than Crossland. The outside looks like a museum; the brown brick walls have designs chiseled into them, you can tell it's an old historic building. I stand up from my seat; everyone slowly exits the bus. Selena is in front of me. "Where, Thomas?" I ask her.

"He said he was going to meet us here," she says.

"Oh." I need to talk to him. I hope he didn't catch the bus with us here because of what happened yesterday.

Students greet us as we get off the bus. I definitely couldn't go here; their uniforms are so formal. I see why my mother wanted me to go here. The girls have on black and grey plaid skirts, a white button-down shirt along with a black cross tie. "Hi, I'm Raven," The perky blonde girl walks up to me and says. She stretches her hand out to shake mine.


"That's a pretty name!" she says, smiling.

"Thanks." There's a pin pinned to her shirt; it has the initials HP, most likely stands for Harrison Prep.

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