Chapter 95

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I'm sitting at the dinner table, finishing my bowl of cereal when my dad comes down the stairs, dressed in his usual business attire.

"Goodmorning." He greets me.

"Hey." I greet him back. He walks into the kitchen and puts on a pot of coffee.

"Feeling better?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yes, I am." He reaches into the cabinet and grabs his coffee mug.

I stand up from my seat and walk to the kitchen; I place my bowl into the sink. "About yesterday, do you think we can just..."

"Keep it between us." I finish his sentence.


"You know this is the second time you asked me to keep something like this from mom." I fold my arms.

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry that I have to ask you to do this, but-"

"I'll only not tell her if you promise me you won't get drunk again."

He hesitates then says, "I promise," he says ardently.

I have to believe him. I should believe him, but for some reason, I don't. Maybe I should tell my mother about my father's drinking; if I do, she would have to come back. Perhaps this is what I have to do to get her to come back. Not even just because of that, she should know that her husband has a drinking problem; that way, she can help him. Maybe she already knows. My father turns around and pours the coffee into the cup. "Dad?"


"Yesterday, you told me to tell mom that you were sorry. What are you sorry about?"

He turns around; his eyebrow is raised. "I did?"

"Mhm, you just said to tell her you were sorry and when I asked you why you said she knows. So what does she know?"

He tilts his head to the side and shrugs his shoulders. " I don't know what she knows because I don't remember saying that," he says, shaking his head in confusion.

"Oh." I'm sure he doesn't remember he passed out only a few seconds later. "Well, uh, I have to get to school. I'll see you later."

"Come home right after your session; I'm going to take you out to dinner."

"Okay." I forgot I had a session today; I emailed Rachel and asked her if we could have it today instead of Friday since I have the robotics competition tomorrow.

He moves closer to plants and me a kiss on my forehead. "I love you," he says intensely.

"Okay." I pull away. "I'll see you later." I walk over to the dinner table and grab my book bag off the seat; I head towards the door.


I turn back around. "About the whole school thing, don't worry about it; whatever you want to do with your life, I'll support you."

"Thank you." I can't believe he just said that.

"Who knows you may want to come work for me." he jokes.

I jokingly roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure."


I pull my car into the school's parking lot; I look at the fuel gauge; it's almost on E; I need to get gas after school. My phone rings; I grab it out of my bag. Its Caleb; I quickly answer, "Hey, sorry I never called you back yesterday." I didn't pick up the phone after Ryder handed it; no tossed it at me. I didn't feel like talking, my head was still hurting, and I just wanted to rest.

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