Caleb and I walk to the back of the car to the trunk. He opens it and pulls out a black blanket. He walks to the front of the car with me right behind him, following in his tall shadow.
We are at a Drive-In theater. I didn't even know we had one here. Our town is so small. I thought I knew every place here. Guess I didn't.
People around us are lying on the grass on top of their blankets. The lot is filled with people. I usually hate crowds. But it is not so bad. Nobody here knows me, so nobody is looking at me. The thought of people not knowing me and not staring at me soothes me. I still kind of wish we stayed in the car, though, as some people did. But I guess it would've been hard to see the movie from inside the vehicle.
Caleb spreads the blanket out on the grass. We both sit. I look at the people around me. In front of us, there's a couple, or at least they look like a couple. The girl has blonde hair with blue highlights; the boy has black hair with green tips. I've never seen them before. I'm pretty sure with hair as distinctive as theirs; I would've remembered them. The boy has his arm around her waist; tattoos cover his arm. His thumb rubs the middle of her lower back, over the name Troy, which is tattooed there with a flower circled around the name. That has to be his name.
"So, really have never been here?" Caleb asks me, breaking me away from my thoughts.
I shake my head, "Nope."
"How is that I know this place, and I'm not even from here?"
I shrug my shoulders. "How do you know about it?" I ask.
"My sister and I stumbled across it one night," he says. "We were on our way home from a party. I was drunk; she was drunk. I thought I could drive us back home, I couldn't, and I didn't want to take a chance, so we pulled into here, watched a few movies," he explains.
"Wait, you have a sister?" My eyes go wide. Violet and James didn't mention that.
"Had a sister." He rubs the back of his neck, a reaction he does when he is nervous. He doesn't look at me. "She passed away earlier this year." He explains further.
"Oh. I'm sorry." I don't want to pry. But I do want to know what happened."What was her name?" I ask instead of asking what I really want to know.
"Willow." His whole demeanor has changed now that we are talking about his sister. There's sadness expressed on his face, but the way he tenses up makes me sense anger and aggression.
A sound comes from the giant screen on the field, letting us know that the movie is about to start—the people around us cheer. He looks at the screen.
"What movie is it?" I ask.
"Avengers: Endgame," He says the words slowly. I raise my eyebrows. "I know, I know. I knew it would be risky, bringing a girl to see a superhero movie. We can go somewhere else."
I disregard his slightly sexist remark and say, "No, no. Are you kidding? I love marvel and everything about it. I've seen every movie."
It has only been about an hour and a half. This movie seems longer for some reason, probably because I've seen it over ten times. Whereat the part when they go back in time to retrieve the stones. It's kind of hard for me to concentrate on the movie. The couple in front of us are kissing; they're not even paying attention to the most essential part of the movie.
I watch their slow but forceful kissing. Their tongues are entwined; their mouths move together at the same pace and motion. It looks awkward to me, but they seem to be enjoying it. My phone vibrates. I pull it out from my back pocket. It's my dad.

You're Not Enough
Teen FictionThe first installment of the "Enough Series" follows Jayda King a seventeen year old girl with a broken soul. She returns home from spending six months in a mental health facility because of a failed suicide attempt. The facility helped none, she st...