2- How Do You Do?

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I wanted to know who my dad would be. Just out of curiosity. So I asked.

"That would be me, ma chérie"
*Recap Over*

For those of you who don't know, ma chérie means "my darling" in French. Having Emerson call me that really made me happy. It's what mom would've wanted. Wow. Emerson and Shy are really my parents. I always thought my moms imagination was just super far fetched, I suppose I was wrong. 

We walked out of the adoption building and to the car, Remington drove, Shy sat in the front seat, and Emerson sat in back with me. They were taking me to their house where I would meet Seb, Larisa, their daughter, their dog Mishka and Remingtons girlfriend Jenny. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Emerson lightly tapping my shoulder. "You alright love?" He asked me, he seemed concerned. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Just shocked is all. You guys are my all time favorite band." I smiled as I spoke. The thought that I was now... almost officially Emerson's daughter was crazy. Hopefully I can start over here. That would be nice. 

Soon enough we arrived at the house and I was greeted by a very excited Mishka and Larisa. "Mishka! Don't jump. That's rude" I heard Larisa say and I looked up as to ask for permission to pick up the puppy at my feet, she nodded. I picked up Mishka and she licked all over my face before I set her down again to grab my things. I followed the boys into the house and stopped once I saw all the people. 

"Alexia, this is Seb, Larisa, Mishka, Shay, and Jenny" Remington said as he pointed to each person, and the puppy. I assumed Shay was Seb and Larisa's daughter. Emerson led me up to the room that was going to be mine. There was a bed with black bedding, a desk/vanity thing with sketchbooks and art supplies on it, and a closet with band tees and such in it. These boys were so amazing already. I couldn't wait to spend more time with them. 

I was admiring the room when I heard a voice at my doorway. "H-hi. can I come in?" I turned around to see the girl who Remington introduced as Shay. "Yeah, sure. What's up?" She looked at me nervously. "Hi, my name is Shaelynn Addison Kropp, bur you can call me Shay. You must be Alexia. I've heard a lot of good things about you." That made me nervous. Did Seb and Larisa know my parents? Is that why? "Oh- cool. You seem like a super cool person to be around, I hope I can get to know you more." I said to Shay and she got up to walk away. "My room is just next door if you ever wanna hangout or just talk. We all love you so much already" That made me smile. I was tired, so I laid down and fell asleep pretty quickly. 

"Josie! What are you doing?" I heard my mom say  "Getting rid of you for the sake of your daughters safety. I'll be sure she ends up in the right hands" she snarled "Josette Saltzman! You wouldn't-"

I saw a bright flash and woke up screaming. I realized where I was and immediately started crying. That was terrifying. I heard steps coming into my room and felt arms wrap around me. "hey, hey. I'm here love, you're okay. what's wrong?" It was Emerson. I leaned my lead onto his shoulder and tried to speak. "M-my mom... in my dream. m-my aunt Josie k-killed her. Im scared Emmy"  he held me close as I sobbed. "You're alright now. You're safe. Do you want me to stay?" I nodded yes and he stood up. "Stay here for just a second. I'll be right back." He walked off and left me to think for a minute. 

-Emerson's POV- 

I stood up off of her bed and walked back to my room to talk to Shy. "Hey, Shy. Wake up" I said as I shook her slightly. Her eyes fluttered open "Is everything okay Em?" She asked concerned. "Yeah, yeah. It will be. I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna stay in Alexia's room with her for tonight. She needs me" Shy nodded and I ran downstairs to grab Alexia a glass of water and an extra blanket and then walked back into her room. 

-Alexia's POV-

"I'm back hun. I brought you water" Emerson said as he handed me the water and sat down on the bed. I took a few sips of it and then placed it on the bedside table. I hugged him close

"better?" He asked while holding me close. I nodded and he laid down next to me and pulled me close. I haven't even been here a day and he's already an amazing dad. 

A/N ouhhhhhhh. I haven't decided what I wanna do about her birth mom being a trybrid yet. I might incorporate it somewhere. Anyways, some Emerson as a dad content. You don't see that every day. 

What do you guys think of this so far? 

Any improvements I could make?

As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I will try my best to fix them. And leave suggestions. 

Lonely// Adopted By Palaye RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now