13- Bloody Valentine

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A/N for those of you who are unaware. I mentioned a character by the name of Dylan in the description. He's Alexia's ex boyfriend from the adoption center. You'll meet him briefly in this chapter. As always, comment spelling and grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

"So, my beautiful daughter got a boyfriend hm? Who is he? When can I meet him?" We were still standing behind the stage and had to leave, Kellin, Vic, and Shay were already back on the bus. "Um, let's head back to the bus and you can meet him there" I told her and she nodded, I'm glad she was here, and alive. I missed her.

We walked back onto the bus and I automatically jumped into Kellin's arms, he ended up falling onto the couch with me in his arms. "hey, princess, you gotta let me get up so I can meet your mom" I let him up and sat back down on the couch. He walked over to my mom nervously. "Hi, my name is Kellin. I'm Alexias boyfriend" She smiled at him softly and gave him a hug. "You can call me Shy. Take care of Alexia for me, okay?" He nodded and came to sit back down. Rem had gone for a walk with Jenny while we went back to the bus, said they wanted to catch up.

-Remington's POV-

I had taken Jenny on a walk, we wanted to catch up after being apart for so long. About halfway through our walk across the field a teenage boy who stood at about 5'11 came lunging at me.

"You fucking bastard. What are you? Gay? Cause you sure as hell look like it" He screamed into my face. What did I say? What did I do? I was so so so confused, but I was still exhausted from the set, and was too weak to fight back. He beat on me for a while before I finally felt someone pull him off of me and heard screeching coming from him.

I sat up carefully to see the boy, who I know know is about Alexia's age, being beaten to a pulp by the boy I had been crushing on for years. Andy Biersack. I stood up and the boy who had beaten me spoke. "Better watch yourself, I'll hurt the people you love, especially that neice of yours, what was her name? oh yeah, Alexia."

Was he going to hurt her? I was terrified.

"Hey, hey. I'll make sure they don't touch her, okay?" I heard Andy say from in front of me, he stopped but then started again, "You're blushing, Leith" Of course I was. "I-uh" I stuttered and he cut me off. "It's okay, I like you too" He stated before pulling me in for a kiss.

Holy fuck. Andy Biersack just kissed me.

"Andy... I need to go back to my bus. wait for me" I shouted as I ran back to my bus and ran in.

"Rem! Where have you been?" Jenny asked me, she sounded terrified. "I'll explain in a minute, but first we need to talk." I sat down next to her. "You know I love you right?" I asked her, this was making me more nervous than I had anticipated. "Yes, of course. What's going on?" I took a deep breath.

"Please don't be mad at me... but... I-I'm gay." She smiled as she handed me her engagement ring. "Okay. Don't worry about it. Friends, always" She said as she kissed my forehead.

That went a lot better than I had anticipated. I decided to go on a walk and meet up with Andy.

-Alexia's POV-

I called Kellin, hoping he would come by. I wasn't mad at Rem, but sad, I had lost my aunt. She was so good to me, and now she had to leave.

Kellin came and let me cry for a while before we just cuddled up on the couch before he had to go back to his bus.

Rem came back happy that night.. good for him.

A/N I AM SO SORRY. I had a plan for this chapter and then I realized that I would have to call off the engagement to make it work. But I promise this is not the last you see of Jenny. Don't worry. I hope you guys still enjoyed this chapter.

Song: Bloody Valentine - Machine Gun Kelly

As always, leave suggestions.

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