25- Drive

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A/N This chapter is pretty self explanatory, but it will cover a span on about 4 days instead of just the one. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Alexia's POV-

"Slow down kiddo, I don't need either of us dying today" Remington told me as I pressed the break. "There you go, now pull into that parking lot and park" I did as he told me and parked.

Today was September 12th. 4 days before I was set to take my drivers test so I could get my license. I was terrified, but I had been out driving with everyone except for Rem up until this point and he wanted to take me before I got my license.

"you're doing really good. You're definitely ready to take that test. But we also need to look into planning your party" I smiled at the thought of that. I turned 16 in 4 days. My birthday was on Friday, which is when I'm taking my drivers test, the party is Saturday. I had started homeschool and didn't have many friends, but that was okay, cause the boys had a lot of friends in the music industry that I was allowed to invite.

I switched places with Rem and we drove home in complete silence while I looked at dresses online.

"Find one you like?" Rem asked me while he was driving. "Yeah, I did actually" It was a long poofy pink dress. Rem looked interested. "Can I see it?" I showed him the picture I found

 "Can I see it?" I showed him the picture I found

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"Alexia, that's gorgeous. You'll have to show it to Seb and Emerson when we get home, okay?" I nodded and we got home shortly after.

-Emerson's POV-

We had just finished up our part of one of Alexia's gifts when her and Rem came into the house. "Oh, hey! You're home!" I said as they walked in. "Yep, she found a dress too, show him the picture kiddo" Alexia came over to show me a picture of the dress she wanted, and it was gorgeous. "perfect, I'll go get it on Friday while you're taking your test" She smiled and went upstairs.

-Alexia's POV-

I went upstairs to take a shower, all of this stuff was stressing me out.

By the time I had gotten out of the shower it was almost 10 and there was a note on my bed.


Everyone fell asleep kinda early, but dinner is in the kitchen if you're hungry. I'll be downstairs in the basement. I wanna talk to you

xoxo, Dad

I went down to the basement right away, I was too stressed to eat. I got down there and he was just sitting on the couch.

"Come here pumpkin" I walked over and sat next to him. "Is everything okay?" I asked him, not really knowing what was gonna happen. "Yeah, I'm okay. You just seem kinda stressed, what's going on?" He asked that and I began to break down. "I'm just afraid that I'm not gonna pass, or that my birthday is gonna suck, or that people aren't gonna like me or my music-" "So you're insecure, that's okay. Come here" I snuggled into him and he ran his fingers through my hair. "We moved some of your stuff next door today, you wanna go look at it?" He asked me and I just about jumped. "Yeah, let's go" We got up and walked out the door and walked next door, opening the door.

"Plenty of space for the party here too, and there's a pool and a trampoline in the backyard" He said and I just smiled. "It's beautiful" was all I could get out before I started crying again.

I'd be living here. It was crazy I was snapped out of my thoughts by Emerson speaking again. "Come on, you gotta rest up"

We went home and I went straight to sleep.

-Time skip to the day of her drivers test-

I got up bright and early that day, I knew I was ready but I was still nervous

"You ready pumpkin?" Emerson asked me as I was putting my shoes on. "Yes, let's do this" Igo a lot of 'Good luck' and stuff like that before I left. We got to the place and checked in.

I walked up to the counter and the lady seemed nice. "Hi, I'm here to take my drivers test?" She smiled. "Perfect, what's your last name?" "Kropp" I stated and she lead me to where the instructor would meet me.

-Emerson's POV-

I was nervous for her, she left with the instructor a few minutes ago. I really hope she passes.

Before I knew it she came back in and told me her plan to tell everyone else the news. We went to get her ID photos taken and I drove home.

We got home and everyone looked expectant.

"So, they told me that I did well, but I could use more practice because I PASSED!" Alexia shouted. They all cheered and Shy came over to us. "Come upstairs kiddo, I have something for you"

-Alexia's POV-

I followed Shy up to my room and there, hanging from my closet door was the dress I wanted.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged her tight. "Try it on?" I nodded and took the dress to the bathroom and changed into it. I felt so pretty, and it fit like a glove. I walked out into my room to show Shy. "It's perfect mom, thank you." I said and hugged her again before changing back into my regular clothes and helping everyone set up for the party next door.

A/N I hope y'all like this one. I wanna quickly apologize for the repetition of character point of views. I'm just doing what I feel is best. I also wanna mention that this story is halfway to 1K already. Like what??? Thank you guys.

Song: Drive - Halsey

As always, leave suggestions.

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