40- Finale//King For A Day

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A/N This chapter is going to be so chaotic. But that's okay. I am beyond excited for this chapter, but I'm also super sad, cause this is basically the end. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Alexia's POV- 

We got to the school and I split from my family to go wait for my class.I was so nervous, but I was ready to graduate. I was ready to move on. 

-Jenny's POV- 

Awsten and I were driving to Alexia's graduation when I saw a familiar figure walking in the same direction. 


We pulled up to the school and I went to find Kellin. 

I walked up to him and whispered. "Dylan's here, I don't know where exactly, but I know he's here." He just nodded and looked around. "If you find him call me and I'll take care of it" He spoke softly and looked towards the stage. 

-Alexia's POV- 

I let the school keep me under the Kropp name, it just made more sense. I was waiting with my class and had a sudden craving for Nutella, but pushed it off, along with the feeling that something bad was gonna happen. 

I was first in line now, my nerves starting getting the best of me, but then I heard it. 

"Next is Alexia Katie Kropp" 

I walked across the stage, getting my diploma and hugging my teachers one last time. Knowing that it may be the last. 

I was gonna miss this place. 

I walked off the stage and sat where I was supposed to while I watched the rest of my class walk across the stage. 

"Hey there pretty girl" I heard a voice that I couldn't recognize. I turned to face the voice and saw none other than Dylan. I panicked and smacked him in the face. 

"What are you doing here? Trying to ruin my big day? Like the asshole you are. You were always like this, even when we were in the adoption center. You ruined everything for me!" 

I guess I was being really loud because the next thing I knew Jenny was in front of me and Kellin was holding Dylans arms back so he couldn't touch me. 

"Aunt Jenny? I didn't know you were coming" She smiled. 

"I know kiddo, I was gonna surprise you after, but I knew I needed to protect you when I saw him walking here while Awsten and I were driving." 

I smiled. She cam even though she knew he'd be around, because she wanted to keep me safe. 

"Sit back down kiddo, we're gonna go take care of this outside" 

I smiled and sat back down. 

-Kellin's POV- 

Jenny and I brought Dylan outside where we'd take care of him. 

"What business do you have being here right now?" I yelled at him. 

"I wanted my girl back, she belongs to me." He spoke firmly, frustrated I smacked him in the face. 

"My wife! The woman carrying my baby does not belong to you. You idiot." 

"She's always been mine." He spoke again and at this point I was angry. I smacked him and punched him multiple times before he became unconscious on the ground. Jenny walked over to me. 

"What the fuck do we do now?" She asked me. 

I had made up my mind. I wanted this man dead, he laid hands on my princess, my wife, the woman carrying my baby, the love of my life. If he didn't die now, he could lay hands on her and many others, I could play it off as self defense, no jail time. It'd be just fine. My only fear was what Jenny was going to think about the idea. 

"What do we do now? Well, we kill him. So he can't hurt anyone else. It's the only way to keep all of us and many others safe. We can play it off as self defense. It'll be fine." 

"Okay. let's do it." Just as he said that Dylan started to shift awake. 

"Kellin, hold him down, I'll do the rest" 

-Jenny's POV- 

Kellin tossed me his pocket knife and I flipped it open. 

"We told you that if you laid a hand on anyone that we'd kill you, and in the words of the infamous Emerson Barrett. We don't fuck around with the death card" I said as I held the knife to his throat. 

"You can't kill me! That's illegal-" "not in the state of California it's not. It's self defense. Hi, Officer Jones. LAPD. I assume this was a case of self defense?" The officer asked and I panicked. 

"Yes sir. protecting ourselves and others" Kellin said. 

"Carry on then" The officer spoke and then walked away. 

I stabbed Dylan multiple times in the chest, stomach, and arms. causing him to bleed out. 

The officer came back moments after the stabbing to investigate the body and take it off of the school property. 

That was it. Dylan was dead. And everyone was safe. 

-Alexia's POV- 

Apparently Kellin and Jenny had come back in, cause they greeted me after the end of the ceremony. 

"What happened to him?" I asked subtly. 

"He's nothing to worry about princess, we took care of it" Kellin spoke. 

I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty sure they killed him with their bare hands, But we were no longer in harms way. We were happy. 

Me, Emerson, Remington, Sebastian, Shay, Larisa, Shy, Vic, and Kellin, and now the baby. Were happy. 

One big happy family. 

One big happily ever after.

The best happily ever after I could have asked for. 

A/N Guys... oh my god. I'm still shaken up over the fact that this is the end. I'm so sad, but at the same time I'm happy. This has been such a fun journey. and I'm excited to experience it all again with the rest of this series. I hope you guys enjoyed this. 

Song: King For A Day (Feat. Kellin Quinn) - Pierce The Veil

I love you guys. 

stay safe. 

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