30- The Only Hope For Me Is You

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A/N Hi! I know I only uploaded one chapter yesterday, I apologize, I was drained and not in the best place mentally so I took a little break. But I'm back now. These next few chapters are all gonna be super wholesome. No super big plot twists. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll do my best to go back and fix them.

-Shy's POV-

Countdown to the wedding day: 4 days

We were less than a week away from our wedding and my nerves were all over the place. Me, Larisa, Shay, and Alexia were going to pick up our dresses today. Then tonight we leave for our girls trip. We were spending tomorrow and Thursday in Santa Monica and then coming back to LA for the rehearsal dinner on Friday.

"Mom, you alright? You seem stressed" I looked up at Alexia and smiled. 'Yeah, I'm alright kiddo. You ready?" I asked and she nodded. We got up and all of us girls headed to get our dresses.

We got to the bridal shop and I stopped in front of the door.

"Mom, are you okay?" I smiled,"Yeah. Everything's fine, let's go in." We all walked into the bridal shop confidently and Shy went up to the counter. "Last name?" the lady at the counter said. We all had the same last name, which made this a lot easier. Mom smiled. "Kropp" The lady went to the back and grabbed our dresses which were placed in bags so the boys wouldn't see. "Thank you!" We all stated as we walked out of the store.

We got home and sorted out which dress belonged to which girl and put them in our room before grabbing our bags and heading downstairs, saying goodbye to the boys.

-Emerson's POV-

While the girls were in Santa Monica, me, Vic, Kellin, Remington, Andy, and Sebastian are spending these few days in Malibu. I'm hoping there wouldn't be a lot of drama or anything like that, considering I was bringing both of my brothers, and my middle brother's boyfriend, but I guess we'll see.

-The next day-

Countdown to the wedding day: 3 days

-Andy's POV-

It was going to be hot, but I live in hoodies, so I brought a few with me. I woke up this morning and all of them were gone. I walked out to the living room in the hotel to find everyone sitting down chatting, and Remington wearing my hoodie.

"Huh, that's weird." I stated and Emerson looked up at me. "what's weird?" Looked over at Remington. "All my hoodies are missing"

Remington wrapped his arms around himself trying to hide the fact that he was wearing my hoodie. He looked up at me. "Wow, that's wack" He stated and I just giggled. "Remington, my sweet angel, I know you have them. It's okay. I'll just steal your pink sweater when we get home"  He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Not my pink oneeeee, pleaseeee" I giggled and pulled him close. "I was kidding. You're cute when your protective" He just smiled we moved on with our day.

-Alexia's POV-

It wasn't until we were hundreds of miles apart that I realized how much I needed Kellin. We were going to the beach today, so I tried using that as an outlet for how much I missed him.

I was laying on the bed scrolling through Kellin and I's texts when Shy came over and sat down on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong kiddo?" She asked as she took my phone looking down at it and looking back at me. "I miss him mama" I said before a tear fell down my cheek. She wiped the tear from my cheek and smiled. "Text him, he'll probably answer. He loves you" I smiled back "alright. Thank you mom." She smiled "of course, now come on. We've got a beach day ahead of us" I smiled and got out of bed and heading out.

Once we got to the beach I decided it was time to text him.

To: Kellin❤️🥺💓
I miss you. I hope you're having fun

-Kellin's POV-

We weren't doing anything except for hanging around. I was talking to Vic in the kitchen when my phone buzzed

1 unread message from Princess🌹💐🖤
I miss you. I hope you're having fun.

I saw that message and immediately tears started filling my eyes.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Vic asked me and I showed him my phone. "You miss her don't you?" He asked. "I really do, but I don't wanna ruin this for Emerson" I stated. Vic looked at me with a loving expression "go call your fiancé Kellin. If Emerson asks I'll tell him the truth. He'll understand" I nodded and walked away calling her

Kellin   Alexia

Hey there princess
I miss you
I miss you too baby, but I'll see you tomorrow okay?
Okay. Having fun?
We're not really doing much except constantly telling Rem and Andy to get a room. So yeah. You?
Yeah. I just miss you a ton
I know baby. Text me okay?
Okay... I love you

I love you too

*call ended*

I needed that. I missed her, and It was really difficult being so far away. 

-Alexia's POV- 

Shy came over just as the line went dead. "Who was that?" I smiled at her "Kellin." She just smiled. "Oh. Come on, there's some people over here who are begging to meet you" I just smiled and went over to where everyone was standing to greet the teenage girls who I assumed were fans. We took pictures and I signed autographs, after that everything was super smooth and I was happy. 

We got home the following day and I saw Kellin, and the rehearsal dinner on Friday went well, we were all so excited for Shy and Emerson to be married, I didn't wanna wait any longer. 

A/N I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you haven't noticed, I've been trying to make chapters about 1000 words including POV changes and authors notes. 

Song: The Only Hope For Me Is You - My Chemical Romance 

As always, leave suggestions 

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