15 - 21 Questions

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A/N Yes, this is the title of my waterparks fic. I know, this chapter and some chapters after this will have Awsten, Geoff, Otto, and Jawn in them, but this pic is in no way related to my waterparks fic. Okay thanks. Also, I went through all of the chapters and read through them today and found a lot of mistakes I may have missed in the revision process, so I apologize for any spam of notifications you may have gotten from me fixing those mistakes. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them.

-Jenny's POV-

(Oh hey look at that, a different POV)

I told Rem that I'd finish off tour with them. But here I was, packing my bags. I'd be staying on the Waterparks bus. The only people that knew were Alexia, Shy, Larisa, Shay, Kellin, Vic, Emerson, and Sebastian. I didn't want to tell Rem who I was staying with, they were friends and I didn't wanna ruin that. As soon as I closed my bag Awsten called.

Jenny Awsten



Hey. Everything okay?

Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out how to get out of here without Rem noticing.

I could have Geoff ask him to hangout and we can get your stuff onto my bus while they're out

Sounds great. Thanks Awsten

Of course, I'll see you soon

*call ended*

Last night I said that I also had feelings for someone that wasn't Rem... Awsten was that someone. Him and Rem were friends, I knew that, but Awsten said that us being together wouldn't affect anything between him and Rem.

-Alexia's POV-

"Alexia, can you come here for a second?" I hear Jenny call to me. I figured this had something to do with Rem. "I'm coming!" I shouted back as I walked down the hallway.

"What's up?" I asked as I approached her. "Geoff is gonna come and take Rem out while I get my stuff to Awsten's bus. Can you make sure that he doesn't protest leaving?" I nodded and hugged her before going back to my bunk.I had started writing music, but I hadn't told anyone. All I had so far was the chorus. I looked down at my notebook and read through the chorus again. 

If It's not drugs it's drinks

If It's not drinks it's things

If it's not things it's people

Places I don't wanna be

These vices. 

I was really proud of it so far. But I wasn't sure what everyone else was going to think. 

"Hey Alexia, I'm gonna go hangout with Geoff, you wanna come?" I heard Remington shout. "no, I'm okay, thank you though" 

The left and I continued to work on my song, I was working with my guitar and my voice, that was it. It was almost done, so tomorrow I'd tell everyone. 

A/N This one's short. But the next one will make up for it, I promise. 

Stream Vices by Mothica :)) 

Song: 21 Questions- Waterparks

As always, leave suggestions 

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