9- Hold Me While You Wait

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A/N Yep. I've decided that all of my chapter names are gonna be song titles unless I can't find a song to match the chapter. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

Our first tour stop was here in Los Angeles (Editing A/N: I realize now that the legacies reference doesn't make a whole lot of sense here because the show takes place in Virginia, but just pretend they were in LA. Okay. Proceed) so it didn't take us long to get there. I had a picture of the boys pulled up on my phone and was drawing them. 

Everything was pretty calm until I heard someone scream, it was pretty high pitched. Remington. I jumped out of my bunk and then heard what came after the scream. 

"Who the fuck took the last of my Nutella?" He shouted. Here we go. Shay emerged from her bunk with a spoon in her mouth and I giggled. "That was me Rem! There's still some left, I'll share" She said and Rem walked over to her and jumped into her bunk to finish off the Nutella. 

This man and his Nutella. It's a problem (Its really not, cause same) I went back to my bunk to continue drawing. I sat up there for about another hour before I had finally finished my drawing. 

I jumped down out of my bunk to go show Emerson and found him on the couch with earbuds in. he was also drawing, but he was also crying. I saw a tear fall from his eye onto the paper. I walked over to him and sat down. 

I gently pulled his earbud out of his ear. "Dad, hey. What's wrong?" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me before looking at me. "It's nothing, I'm alright pumpkin" He moved his arm to wipe his tears and I got a glimpse at his drawing. He was drawing Shy. He never drew people. 

"Dad.. you never draw people" I saw him tear up again. "Oh my god.. is she okay?" He looked at me with a sad smile. "She will be, I hope, that's what Jenny said when she called. Shy was in a car accident, it could've been fatal. She's in a coma. They don't know how long it's gonna be before she wakes up" I could feel myself tearing up, but I had stay strong for him. 

That was my mom. She may not be my birth mom, but she was there to take me in alongside the boys. She was such a big part of my life, I couldn't lose her too. 

"Dad.. I'm so sorry" I said as I wrapped him up in another hug as a tear escaped my eye. "I- I shouldn't be crying. I'm sorry" I said to him sadly. He pulled me away from his and wiped the tears off my face. "Pumpkin, honey." he pulled me towards him and let me lay on him. "It's okay to cry. She's your family too. But she's gonna be okay. So please don't stress" He said in a soft tone while he messed with my hair, and I assume he caught a glimpse of my sketchbook because he stopped. 

"Alexia, holy shit. Is that the band?" I nodded and he picked up my sketchbook. 

"Can I hang this in my bunk? or on the fridge over there?" I wanted to start crying all over again. I took the page out of the book and handed it to Emerson. "Yours to put wherever you want" He took it and put it up on the fridge before coming back to sit down. 

-Emerson's POV- 

I had just placed a piece of my daughter's art on the fridge in our tour bus. I felt like such a dad. I went back to sit next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder so I decided to play with her hair as she fell asleep. 

I carried her to her bunk and tucked her in, when I came back Sebastian was sitting on the couch and he saw the smile that was spread across my face. I had been contemplating whether or not I had made the right decision adopting a child, and it was in that moment that I realized how much I needed Alexia. She put a smile on my face even when the world around me was crumbling. I was really a dad. 

"You're awfully smiley there Em, everything okay?" Sebastian asked me and I pointed towards the fridge before sitting down. Sebastian looked over and then looked back at me. 

"She's definitely your kid, Em. And she loves you more than anything" Sebastian said to me before getting off the couch and heading to his bunk. I just sat on the couch with a giant smile on my face. 

I definitely made the right decision.

A/N I hope y'all enjoyed that. I needed a little stir of drama that I could split into more than one chapter, so it's not huge, but it's there. As always, leave suggestions 

Song: Hold Me While You Wait - Lewis Capaldi 

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