34- Photograph

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A/N GUYSSSSSS I can't believe we're almost at 1k 🥺 Thank you so so much for supporting me throughout this journey. On that note, are you guys enjoying this? I have so many more Ideas for this fic, but I wanna know how many more chapter's y'all want. Cause I don't wanna go overboard. As always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll try my best to fix them. 

-Kellin's POV- 

Today is December 10th, I marry the love of my life today, and I couldn't me more excited. But I also couldn't be more nervous. 

There were so many weddings happening, it was kinda crazy. Shy and Emerson got married on November 5th, then me and Alexia today, December 10th, Shay and Vic on the 15th of this month, and then Rem and Andy were getting married on the 12th of January. It was really crazy. But everyone was happy, and that's what mattered. 

"Kellin, you almost ready to head out?" Vic spoke from the other side of the room. I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go" I spoke and Vic came over so he was standing next to me. "Don't be nervous bro. It's all gonna work out. Let's go" He spoke and we walked out of the dressing area and to where we were supposed to stand. 

-Alexia's POV- 

It was almost time. Larisa put the last curl in my hair and her and Shy went out to sit down. It was time for Emerson to see me. 

I walked down the stairs to where Emerson was and his eyes went wide. "Oh.. pumpkin. You look stunning" I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you." I spoke before linking arms with him and following my bridesmaids to the doorway. 

Shay, my maid of honor looked at me with a smile before walking down the aisle. At this point my heart was racing. Emerson turned to me and whispered in my ear. 'You got this pumpkin. He loves you so so much, don't worry" I smiled as we walked arm in arms down the aisle. 

I kissed his cheek before walking over to where the priest and Kellin were standing. My heart started racing once again. 

-Time skip cause I'm lazy as shit- 

"Do you, Kellin James Quinn take Alexia Katie Kropp to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I took a deep breath. 

"I do" 

Okay... well that's a start. No going back now. 

"And do you, Alexia Katie Kropp take Kellin James Quinn to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do" 

Kellin and I exchanged a look of pure joy before the priest spoke again. 

"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" 

He pulled me in for a kiss and it was pure bliss. I couldn't have asked for life to be going any differently. 

-Time skip to the reception- 

-Shay's POV- 

I was Alexia's maid of honor, So I guess I was supposed to give a speech.Don't worry. I have one prepared, I just don't do emotions very well. 

Everyone arrived at the reception and we ate food, then it was time. 

"Hey! Hey! Can I have everyone's attention? Awesome. My absolutely wonderful cousin here has a speech she wants to make" Alexia said as she giggled a little. I stood up from the table and grabbed the microphone. 

"Okay, so before I start, I don't handle emotions very well, but I tried, so here we go" I took a deep breath and spoke. "Alexia, my cousin. I know, cousin. If it were up to me I'd say we're more like sisters, but that just wouldn't make sense. Because even before we were adopted we were cousins, technically. Being born into our bloodline is tricky, because you never really know what's going to happen, but when I met you, I was so happy. You came into my life exactly when I needed you to. Thank you for sticking by my side. Mow, to my dearest Kellin. You be good to her, and if I find out that you're not we're gonna have some big problems mister. I love you both so so much, I wish the best for both of you. never forget it" 

I finished my speech and sat back down, Emerson followed after me. 

"Okay, okay. This is such a crazy thing for me. Yesterday I had a conversation with Kellin because he thought he wasn't going to be good enough, and I told him that I wouldn't have given him my blessing if he wasn't good enough. Kellin, I'm so proud of who you are as a person, And I know that you'll treat my daughter like a princess. From the day that we met just a short time ago, I knew you'd be good for her. and I'm proud to call you my son in law. And to my sweet Alexia, pumpkin, I'm so glad you're happy, and I want you to know that even though you're married, and you're a big girl. I will always be there for you when you need me. I'm just next door if you wanna talk. Always. I'm so proud of you kiddo. I'm excited to tour with you soon." 

-Alexia's POV- 

After Emerson's speech both Kellin and I were crying. But we pulled through. We got through the rest of the speeches and we ate cake. It was a really fun night, but there was still one thing weighing really heavily on my mind. 


A/N at the time of writing this, this story is 83 reads away from 1k 🥺 WHAT THE HECK GUYS. That's absolutely insane. this story is also #1 in #remingtonleith so um what? That's dope as fuck. I really hope you guys are enjoying reading this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. We're almost to that 10 chapter mark that I mentioned a few chapters ago. So let me know what you guys are thinking. 

How many more chapters should this book be? 

This book is currently the longest one I've written, but I also have ideas for a book similar to this one. So let me know what you think. 

Song: Photograph - Ed Sheeran 

As always, leave suggestions

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